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Going stockless.

              By Caroline Pond

              I’m guessing you have all realised                      But just how can we avoid this happening
              how keen I am on reducing                               if we are to meet the pressure of getting
              stock levels. From a commercial                         prescriptions dispensed in a timely fashion?
              perspective it simply makes sense                       Let me try and paint a picture and talk
                                                                      you through the process of moving to a
              to have your cash in the bank rather                    stockless dispensary. (A caveat here before
              than tied up on the shelves in the                      you all panic – you will still carry some stock
              dispensary. Unless you are a very big                   to fill clinic prescriptions, so chill!)
              dispensing business, where buying                       First let’s imagine the dispensary without
              in bulk affords extra discounts, then                   all the stock. Just think about all the space
              you probably just incur loss when                       you will have! Well, this can be your reality
              you pile the shelves high.                              if you rethink the prescription management
                                                                      process in your dispensary. Trust me it is
                                                                      possible, and the new way of working is a
                                                                      marked improvement for all, once you get
              For those of you who have worked in a                   there.
              pharmacy chain in the last 10 or so years,
              you may well be familiar with the concept               So how do we get there? Well basically
              of minimal stock holding as a way of                    you just need to stop ordering anything
              working. Many large chain pharmacies                    you don’t need for a prescription already in
              have worked this way for years. Why?                    hand. Simple! You might need to do a bit of
              Because it is the most profitable way of                preparation but once that’s done it really is
              running a dispensary, no other reason.                  just as simple as that. Order to prescription.

              Stock management is time consuming
              and tedious.

              •  ‘First in and first out’ requires discipline
                  amongst the whole dispensary team to                 So how do we prepare for
                  avoid stock going out of date and date
                  checking is a job enjoyed by nobody as               this new way of working?
                  far as I can see.                                    First you will need the team to agree to
              •  Avoiding Drug Tariff devaluation of                   working this way and I can guarantee that
                  generics at the end of each month is a               when you suggest this way of running
                  gamble unless you are really on the ball.            the dispensary, you are going to get push
                                                                       back. I understand the fear of a new way
              •  Stock waste is a financial waste                      of working which just seems so far from
                  that none of us can afford in today’s                the current ‘try and stock everything’
                  financial climate so having stock expire             philosophy but at the end of the day, if
                  hurts.                                               you give it a go and it doesn’t work for
                                                                       you, you can soon restock your shelves.

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