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NUMARK ARE HERE                                      2024 Flu Point of Sale

              TO SUPPORT YOU!                                      materials

                                                                    In August’s Member Support Pack, you will
              Motivating your team to                               also receive your POS materials to market
              support recruitment                                   your flu vaccination service in store. It is
                                                                    advisable to start putting out marketing

              Your team will play an important role in              materials around a month before the start
              recruiting customers into your flu service.           of the vaccination season. Displaying point
                                                                    of sale materials around and outside your
              Training is key to ensure staff are informed          pharmacy will promote that you offer the
              and engaged. Consider delivering a short              service and drive footfall into your pharmacy
              training session to help them understand the          for those seeking their vaccination.
              service, eligibility criteria, how to engage with
              customers and how to promote the service.             Materials include:

              Remember that customers within the ‘at risk’          •   A2 poster – to display on your shop
              groups may attend your pharmacy up to five               window to advertise you are offering the
              times within the flu season for a prescription,          service
              this presents multiple opportunities to               •   A4 poster – to display inside your
              vaccinate. Engage with all customers                     pharmacy to advertise you are offering
              visiting the pharmacy, whether bringing in               the service
              a prescription, purchasing OTC products or
              using other services.                                 •   Shelf talkers – these can be positioned in
                                                                       key locations of your pharmacy, including
              We also have developed a new Counter                     where cold and flu treatments are
              Excellence and Pharmacy Excellence modules
              to prepare you to support your customers              •   Stickers – can be stuck on prescription
              during the flu season which you can access               bags to advertise you are offering the
              via our Numark Training Library at                       service
                                   You will also receive additional POS in

                                                                    September’s Member Support Pack which
                                             A2                     will include:
                    Book your                                       •   A3 poster - to display on your shop
                                                                       window to advertise you are offering the
                   flu jab now.                                     •   service
                                                                       Bunting – this can be hung above the
                  Flu vaccinations available at                        counter or over your consultation room
                         this pharmacy.
                                                       A3           You are also able to download digital
                                                                    versions of the materials if you require more
                                     Book your
                                    flu jab now.
                                                                    Digital marketing
                                   Flu vaccinations available at
                                       this pharmacy.
                                                                    Have you considered advertising your flu
                                               Book your
                                                                    vaccination service on local Facebook
                                              flu jab now.
                                                                    community pages or community forum
                                                this pharmacy.
                                             Flu vaccinations available at
                  Speak to the team for more information.
                                                                    websites? This is a great way to reach
                                                                    a wider demographic and also those
                                                                    customers who are used to finding and
                               Speak to the team for more information.
                                                                    booking services online.
                                         Speak to the team for more information.


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