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Numark Superintendents Group –

              connecting members together

              Since announcing the launch of                            Upcoming dates
              the Numark Superintendents
              Group; the safe space where                               Tuesday 9  July 2024 19:00
              fellow superintendents can come                           Tuesday 8  October 2024 19:00
              together to share experiences,                            Tuesday 7  January 2025 19:00
              share knowledge and talk openly                           If you would like to join, please
              about any issues you may be                               express your interest by filling in
              facing, we have been inundated                            a form at
              with members wanting to take part.                        or scan the QR code below.

              But fear not - with the first virtual
              session being held on July 9 , there is
              still time to join this exclusive group and
              share your experience and knowledge to
              benefit fellow pharmacy contractors.

              The group will meet once a quarter in
              the evening for around an hour online via
              Microsoft Teams, with the aim of it being
              an interactive group with wide-ranging
              participation to collaborate, support self-
              help and share experience.

              What will the group discuss?

              The aim is for this group is to select its own topics for
              discussion, but these might include:
              •  Handling and reporting Patient Safety Incidents
              •  Discussing regulations and how they impact us (for
                  example the expected guidance from the GPhC
                  regarding RPs and superintendents)
              •  Sharing best practice for working with field teams
              •  GPhC engagement – inspections, assurance visits,
                  liaison forms, action plans.
              We would also look to support the agenda development to
              include external guest speakers on relevant subjects raised
              by the group.

              Initially the group will be chaired by in-house
              Superintendent Stephen Thomas, with a view to the group
              electing their own chair and vice chair in follow up events.


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