Page 24 - P4403.59-V53_Numark Magazine July 24 FINAL
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Ensuring excellence

              Kieran Killoran discusses Numark's

              Regulatory Health Check Service

              In an interview with Kieran Killoran, Numark’s Regulatory                      Kieran provides
              Health Check Manager, we discussed the recently                                an in-depth look
              launched Numark Regulatory Health Check service. This                          at the services’
              innovative service aims to support Numark members                              objectives and the
              in meeting the standards for registered pharmacies                             inspiration behind
              required by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)                          its creation.
              and some of the NHS contract requirements.

                                                    Overview of the key objectives

                                                    and goals of Numark's Regulatory

                                                    Health Check Service

                                                    We've designed the Numark Regulatory Health Check
                                                    service to support our members in achieving the required
                                                    standards set by the General Pharmaceutical Council
                                                    (GPhC) and to meet some NHS contract requirements.
                                                    My team and I visit members' pharmacies, conducting
                                                    a thorough review based on the GPhC principles and
                                                    standards for pharmacy premises. We assess whether
                                                    members are meeting these standards and have the
                                                    necessary evidence.


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