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                                                       Drug Tariff.

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                  Understanding Generic Alternatives for

                  Fluticasone/Salmeterol Dry Powder Inhalers

                  Navigating the variety of inhaler options available for treating asthma and chronic
                  obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be challenging for both patients and
                  healthcare providers. When a familiar brand such as Seretide Accuhaler® is out of
                  stock or a more cost-effective alternative is suggested, questions naturally arise
                  about the suitability of substitutes like Fusacomb Easyhaler®. This article aims to
                  clarify the interchangeability of these inhalers, ensuring that you can confidently
                  make informed decisions about dispensing and using these medications.
                  Read on to learn about the licensed indications, equivalent brands, shelf lives,
                  pricing, and practical advice for prescribers and pharmacists.

                                 Q: I have a prescription for Fluticasone propionate
                                 250mcg/dose / Salmeterol 50mcg/dose dry powder
                                 inhaler. We usually supply Seretide Accuhaler® but our
                                 PMR is suggesting a product called Fusacomb Easyhaler®
                                 50/250 dry powder inhaler. Can we supply this one?

                          A: Yes, you can supply Fusacomb Easyhaler® instead of
                          Seretide Accuhaler®. Fusacomb Easyhaler® is a generic
                          fluticasone/salmeterol dry powder inhaler available in the
                          UK, and it is clinically equivalent to Seretide Accuhaler®.

                  Licensed Indications

                  •   Asthma: For adults and adolescents 12 years and older who need regular treatment with
                     a combination of a long-acting beta agonist (LABA) and an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS).
                     This is suitable for patients not adequately controlled with an ICS and a short-acting
                     beta agonist (SABA), or those already controlled using a LABA and ICS combination.
                  •   COPD: For adults requiring symptomatic treatment for COPD.


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