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Any claims that haven’t gone
                Alternatively you              Simply download the report             through will show on the list
                can also view the              and then use the ‘Organise’            as ‘Not sent’ and you can just
                                               tab to filter out the
                file using Numbers:            unclaimed service records.             tick those to view them. The
                                                                                      report will show you the date
                                                                                      the claim was made and the
                                                                                      patient’s initials so you can easily
                                                                                      identify the affected records
                                                                                      by using the search function on

             You can also         Simply download the report and make
             use Excel to         sure the filter function is turned on. Then                                 Open the
             see them:            just scroll along to the BSA claim column                                   record and
                                  and use the filter to select only the
                                  unclaimed records.                                                          look at
                                                                                                              the claim
                                                                                                              on the
                                                                                                              side of the

                                                                                      It will say ‘Failed to Send via
                                                                                      NHSBSA’. Save the record again
                                                                                      and check the claim message. It
                                                                                      should change to the following:
                                                                                      ‘Queued to send’, then ‘In Progress,
                                                                                      via NHSBSA’, and finally ‘Sent,
                                                                                      via NHSBSA’. It can take a few
                                                                                      minutes for the claim to go
                The report                                                            through all the stages.
                will appear at                                                        There are great benefits to doing
                                                                                      this! It will help you stay on top of
                the top left-                                                         any missed reports or payments,
                hand side of                                                          and you'll be amazed at how much
                the page:                                                             they can add up. After the first
                                                                                      couple of times, this process will
                                                                                      become easy and fit right into
                                                                                      your routine checks.
                 Click the                                                            Full information on how to access
                 download                                                             these can be found here:
                 button and then
                 open the file                                             
                 and you will find                                                   YourPharmacyFirstServiceReportsAnd
                 the report there.                                                   MYSClaims.pdf

                                                                                                                 12/07/2024   12:44:20
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