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                                     He added that the pharmacy is also proud to support programmes within
                                     the community, such as weight management programmes, working
                                     alongside doctors and nurses, to involve patients and refer them to local
                                     gymnasium exercise classes.
                                     When asked about what the future holds for his pharmacies Michael said,
                                     “the pharmacies will continue to provide services, but with all the pressures
                                     that we are facing such as the remuneration from the government, it is quite
                                     tough, but luckily we’re surviving.”

                                     He went on to say, “Pharmacy is changing. It's all becoming more like a
                                     delivery service, and the human element, where you actually see the patient
                                     is disappearing. But at our pharmacy, we still make time to see our patients,
                                     and get to know them by name, and that's where the loyalty remains.”

                                     Michael’s advice for new pharmacies starting up is to be brave. “It's a great
                                     challenge. It's a great journey. There's lots of achievements with hard work,
                                     and with that you can achieve what you wish to do.”
                                     Celebrating 40 years of success is a significant milestone for Michael
                                     Singh’s pharmacies in Ashfield and Nottingham. The planned festivities
                                     show the importance of this achievement. Michael attributes the longevity
                                     and success of his pharmacies to the integral involvement of his sons,
                                     the loyalty of his staff and customers and his ability to adapt to new
                                     technologies and services. His commitment to high-quality services and
                                     community engagement.
                                     Reflecting on the journey, Michael cherishes the past four decades and
                                     looks forward to continued success and service in the community. “The
                                     good thing is, there's the opportunity to move on and sell the pharmacies,
                                     but because my three sons are all registered pharmacists, they are
                                     now looking after things. Since I registered in 1978, I'm still a practising
                                     pharmacist and pharmacy superintendent, and I'm still enjoying it. It’s been
                                     a wonderful journey!”


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