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                Upcoming contractual dates for August

                            Key health                                 Pharmacies are required to verify and
                      awareness dates                                  where necessary, update the information
                                                                       contained in their NHS website profile and
                                                                       their Directory of Services (DoS) profile
                Psoriasis Awareness Month          August              using the Profile Manager at least each
                                                                       quarter of the financial year.
                Cycle To Work Day                     1 st

                World Breastfeeding Week           1  to 7 th
                Cavernoma Awareness Day              21 st
                World Water Week                  25  to 29 th      1.  Covid-19 vaccination service - 31
                                                                       The Spring 2024 Covid-19 vaccination
                                                                       service ends.

              England, Wales,

              Scotland and Northern

              Ireland                                               Wales
              1.  Foundation pharmacists (2023/                     1.  Workforce Enabler Declaration –
                  2024 training year) – 8  August                      31  August
                  Deadline to request a reasonable                     Declare on NECAF the number of hours of
                  adjustment in the autumn assessment.                 staffing at each training banding level per
                                                                       annum for up to two members of staff.
              England, Wales and                                       Payments are made monthly, pro-rata
                                                                       against 37.5 hour week.
              Scotland                                              2.   Continuity Scheme – 31  August
              1.  Directory of Services (DoS) -                        Declare on the WP34C for the relevant
                  Between 1  July - 30  September                      month that:
                  Pharmacies are required to verify and                Number of days CAS was available -
                                                                       eligible for a payment of £263.90 if 80%
                  where necessary, update the information              or more.
                  contained in their NHS website profile and           Number of days the Contraception
                  their Directory of Services (DoS) profile            Service was available - eligible for a
                  using the Profile Manager at least each              payment of £263.90 if 80% or more.
                  quarter of the financial year.
                  This is a mandatory requirement for               3.   Independent prescribing claims –
                  all contractors.                                     31  August
              2.  Pharmacy Technicians to supply                       For Pharmacies offering Independent
                                                                       Prescribing (IP) services declare the
                  medication under PGDs – from 26                      number of hours availability and number
                  June                                                 of consultations that month


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