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Welcome to February’s

               issue of PS magazine.

              Welcome to February’s edition of PS                   Finally, PSUK is turning 20 years old this April,
              magazine! As we transition from the chill             and for our April edition, we want to hear from
              of winter to the promise of spring and                members who have supported us over the
              2024 becomes a distant memory, we look                years, to tell us about what PSUK means to
              forward to sharing with you some of the new           them. We are looking for reflections, stories,
              propositions that will save our members time          and memories that highlight your experiences
              and money in 2025. In this month’s edition,           with PSUK. Your contributions will help us
              we once again catch up with one of the PSUK  celebrate this milestone and demonstrate
              Dispensing Doctor Account Managers, Jody              the value and impact that PSUK has had on
              Harries, to hopefully lift the lid on the world       your practices and patients. Please share your
              of Personally Administered items. This is an          stories, anecdotes, and testimonials with us
              area we are still getting lots of questions           to be featured in our anniversary edition with
              from members on and something that we                 the featured testimonials winning a variety of
              regularly address during our study days.              prizes! Details of this can be found on page 35.
              You can also hear about the recent addition
              to our proposition, PSUK Discount Partners,           Your feedback has always been crucial in
              which aims to provide our members’                    shaping the services we provide. As we
              practices with savings on their purchases             continue to adapt and evolve, your insights
              outside of the dispensary. We are liaising with       will be invaluable in ensuring that we meet the
              suppliers to get the best discounts available         needs of our members effectively. We look
              in the market on items such as dispensary             forward to hearing from you and celebrating
              packaging, medical equipment and services             the enduring partnership that has defined
              such as utilities and training. Learn more            PSUK over the past 20 years.
              about the initial offers that we are launching
              on page 13.
              The budget announcements from the                     Let’s make 2025 a successful
              Treasury, set to come into effect in April,           and prosperous year together!
              have significant implications for GP practices
              and dispensaries. These changes include
              increased costs due to national minimum
              wage increases and higher National
              Insurance contributions. Unfortunately, unlike
              some other businesses, GP practices do not
              have the luxury of passing these costs on
              to their customers. On page 4, we examine
              changes that members can make using the
              PSUK propositions to try to mitigate the
              impact of these financial pressures on their
              businesses. Caroline Pond also joins us to
              discuss the importance of understanding
              your statements and the key things to look
              for each month. This guidance will help
              ensure that you are fully aware of your
              financial standing and can make informed
              decisions about your practice’s financial
              health.                                                           Simon Coles
              Registered Office: Rivington Road, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Preston Brook, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 3DJ
              PSUK is a Service of PHOENIX Healthcare Distribution Limited.     Managing Director, PSUK.
              Company Registration No. 129370. VAT No. 109898228.
              This document is regularly checked and reviewed, however the information in this document is always subject to change without notice.

                                                                               Welcome to your issue | PS Magazine   3

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