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Using the PSUK                                        PSUK website & PSUK Portal

                                                                    On the PSUK website and PSUK Portal you will find
              propositions                                          supportive resources including:

              Loss making lines analysis
              Your account manager will walk through every
              purchase where you have incurred a loss once
              discount and clawback has been factored in.  We
              can advise from a commercial perspective what
              other options you may have to reduce your loss.
              PSUK have Boost tables that can be requested on
              the majority of therapy areas.
              A boost table is a detailed breakdown of every
              product available through PSUK in a particular
              therapy area, and details the cost per pack and profit
              per pack in an easy to read format.  This makes it
              easy for you as a practice to identify the most cost-
              effective option and the most profitable option as
              well as everything in between.                        •   SOPs, job descriptions & dispensary/practice
                                                                       posters – The library of SOPs, job descriptions
                                                                       and posters are available for you to download
              Profitability & Dispensing Guide                         from the Resource Centre of the PSUK website.
              (PAD Guide)                                              They have been created ready to be used but can
                                                                       also be tailored to meet your practices needs.
              The PAD Guide has been designed to support the
              profitability of your dispensary, with straightforward,   •   Brand Switch/Generic Switch – The Brand and
              easy to understand discounts, profitability ranking      Generic Switch propositions are available on the
              and NHS cost saving ranking in gold, silver and bronze   PSUK Portal.  They can be activated at product
              levels.                                                  level and can help your practice streamline
                                                                       purchases of branded generics and can also
                                                                       reduce costs and drive profitability by maximising
                                                                       off-patent opportunities.
                                                                    •   Over Drug Tariff Analysis – The recently
                                                                       developed Drug Tariff tab on the PSUK Portal
                                                                       gives you visibility of the generic products
                                                                       that you have ordered that are over Drug Tariff
                                                                       price.  The list of products you see, will update
                                                                       throughout the month as prices change, and price
                                                                       concessions are granted.  You also can view your
                                                                       previous month’s data, set up warning emails and
                                                                       see how many packs of each product you have
              Access the PAD Guide on the PSUK website              •   Practice Reports – Sales By Supplier, Sales By
              and you’ll see:                                          Product Type & MDS Discount Reports – In
                                                                       the My Sales Reports and My Rebate Reports
                                                                       section of the PSUK Website, you have access
              •   Increased profitability by ensuring your practice    to a number of reports that can be used to help
                  chooses the most profitable products available.      keep a track of your spend through PHOENIX and
              •   It saves time for members like you by reducing the   also ensure that your practice is receiving all the
                  amount of commercial analysis required.              relevant rebates which is essential when trying to
              •   Simplified decision making process on the most       maximise your practice profit.
                  profitable medicines to prescribe and dispense,   •   Help Centre – A recent addition to the PSUK
                  making your day to day operating that bit easier.    Website is the Help Centre.  The Help Centre
                                                                       includes articles and how to guides that cover a
              PSUK Discount Partners                                   wide range of topics, including how to manage
                                                                       users on the website, how to book on to a Study
              PSUK Discount Partners is our brand new proposition      Day and where to find your practice reports.
              and is our one stop shop for all our supplier partners
              that can help you with the daily running of your
              business, from dispensary packaging, stationery,      Manufacturer Discount Schemes
              uniforms, training and medical equipment.  We have    PSUK have more MDS’s available than any other
              a healthy market of suppliers on hand to support you   wholesaler and have more enhanced schemes.  Speak
              with your requirements across a variety of sectors    to your account manager to make sure you are
              with discounts and pricing negotiated specifically for   maximising this opportunity.
              our membership. Find out more on page 13.
              6      PS Magazine | PSUK Membership

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