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Changes and checks you can

              make in the dispensary

              Look at wrong group movements                         Check you are signed up to all MDS schemes
              Often dispensaries can be hit with wrong group        Prescribing a brand will result in a loss unless there
              movements which can cost £000’s. A wrong              is an MDS scheme that offers more than 11.18%
              group movement is where a prescription has been       discount. Check with your account manager what
              submitted as non-paid – but is changed to paid by     MDS schemes are available and that you are signed
              the Prescription Pricing Authority due to potential   up to them all – even if you don’t currently use that
              errors on the prescription. This may be its not signed,   product.
              or the correct box isn’t ticked. This results in the NHS
              assuming you have therefore taken a payment from
              the patient and removing this from your payment.      You may not currently purchase certain lines – but if
                                                                    prescribing changes and you are not signed up, you
                                                                    could lose money.
              Ensure PA’s are being dealt with correctly

              An area that we get lots of questions on and an area   Create a practice formulary
              that can result in a financial hit is around personally
              administered items and VAT. It is important that the   Ensuring all the prescribers are on the same page is
              dispensary team are only reporting items prescribed   vitally important for two reasons:
              and administered by the practice team as the VAT
              cannot be reclaimed, VAT can be claimed on Items      Ensuring you maximise the opportunity for MDS
              such as insulins that are given to a patient in a bag   discount and everyone is prescribing the most
              and should not be included in the PA list you give    preferable product for the practice - whether that
              to the finance manager. These items also tend to      be the one that reduces NHS cost, or increases
              carry an automatic PA allowance from the NHSBSA       dispensary margin. If everyone is on the same page,
              upon reimbursement of your prescriptions. These       this ensures the dispensary is in the best of health.
              items should not be a loss maker if they attract
              the PA allowance, so if you are sending items such
              as insulins to the local pharmacy to be dispensed     Reduce Stock Holding
              then you should aim to bring them back in house.                  If all prescribers are prescribing slightly different
              DDAM Jody Harries article on page 8 goes into more    medication for the same condition, your stock holding
              detail around this.                                   will naturally increase as you have to hold more
                                                                    options, increasing the money tied up in stock and
              Check Manufacturer                                    risking write offs due to out ofdate products.
              Discount Schemes (MDS)
              caps – ensure you are                                 Removing Losses
              getting discount on what                              It is vital that nurses are not ordering dressings or
              you are buying                                        appliances through the dispensary to store in a
                                                                    cupboard so they can administer to patients as and
              Taking advantage of MDS schemes is vital to ensuring   when needed, this creates a risk that items are being
              a profitable dispensary, but understanding the details   given to patients without a prescription and creating
              of these schemes Is also important:                   a loss.

              •   Certain schemes have caps in place and others     It is good practice where possible, to supply dressings
                  have tiers.                                       to the nurses if a prescription is presented, even if it’s
                                                                    for a single dressing. This allows you to claim for the
              •   Understanding where you are being capped gives    dressing alongside the dispensing fee.
                  you an idea of where you could be potentially
                  losing money.
              •   The detailed MDS reports on the PSUK portal       Using a Dispensing Appliance Contractor (DAC) such
                  break down the discount at product level and will   as NuCare for loss making items in Part 9 of the
                  highlight if you are not getting MDS discount on   Drug Tariff can turn a loss into a small profit, in a lot
                  all of your purchases.                            of cases these items are sent to local pharmacies or
                                                                    dispensed at a loss, but if they are sent to a DAC you
              •   Tiered schemes also provide the opportunity to    will receive a referral fee for the prescription making it
                  do something different. If you are purchasing     profitable.
                  particular products and not hitting minimum tiers,
                  or not hitting the top tiers, is there an opportunity
                  to look at where you are prescribing similar brands
                  to patients that could be switched?

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