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Many branded medications carry no discount I can already see you all thinking ‘How on
or offer a discount which falls short of the earth are we going to do that’?
clawback rate. The 11.18% clawback will Well, you need to be in the know. What
still be deducted from the reimbursement schemes are available and from which
value in your drug payments regardless of wholesaler? You need to get on the portals
the negative impact this can have on your and have a look or speak to the reps. When
finances and I’m afraid there is nothing you you identify a brand with a discount greater
can do about it, other than look for alternative than your clawback don’t automatically jump
products for the patient but we all know this is for that brand; check out the competitors
not always possible. The result is financial loss. and see what they have on offer.
NOTE: Please do not be under the You can make life easy for yourselves as your
misconception that your dispensing fees PSUK area manager can supply you with an
are there to cover these potential losses analysis of all your branded purchasing and
because that is just not the case. Dispensing how much you lose after clawback. They will
fees, whilst generous at over £2 (correct April also guide you with alternative brands which
2024) should cover the cost of running the have discounts or advise if there is a generic
dispensary and give you some profit. They alternative for you to use.
should not be propping up dispensing losses
on the cost of drugs. If they are you have Once you know where you are losing money
got a problem! What you need is a decent you can start looking to see if there is a
discount on enough of your purchases that reasonable solution to the problem. Obviously,
you generate a net profit on drugs each the patients’ best interest is always at the
month. forefront of our decision making, but if a
For example, an item purchased at £35 with manufacturer offers a discount or special
deal which will compensate clawback then
11.18% deduction will equate to £3.91 loss. why wouldn’t you consider prescribing that
Your fee of £2 will not make up the shortfall instead, if it does the same thing?
here. In fact nearly two fees are lost here.
You can, with a patient’s permission, redirect All the information is on the various portals
and in publications such as the PS magazine,
the prescription to be dispensed elsewhere in so you just need to do some research. Again
order to lose loss, but this really doesn’t feel – ask your PSUK area manager for help; they
like an appropriate solution for our patients have information on all the best deals and
and we run the risk that patients up and off they can fast-track your decision making to
with all their other items to the chemist down prioritise the most profitable choices.
the road.
Finding discount is where it’s at, and once So, in conclusion, there is nothing we can do
to prevent the NHS clawing back the fictional
you understand that then the solution to discount that they suppose you all receive
countering the negative impact clawback but we can do our best to compensate for
becomes clearer if not easier. this. Use the information available to you
regarding discounts, make sure everybody
understands clawback and really work as a
team in practice to make the most of what
manufacturers are offering.
If you have any queries, contact me
12 PS Magazine | The negative impact of Clawback Buy direct online at
15/04/2024 11:42:19
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