Page 31 - PSUK march 2025 mag (print)
P. 31

Read on to discover how Dr. Sandar Hlaing             The stocks were split from the pharmacy
            and her team navigated challenges,                    and relocated to the dispensary over the
            achieved key milestones, and positioned               weekend preceding the opening.
            themselves for continued success with the
            guidance of PSUK.                                     The IT system, ProScript, was set up one
                                                                  week prior to the opening while the site
            After nearly a decade of operating under a            remained under construction. It was a mess!
            hybrid model within the Pharmacy, we had              Despite these challenges, we achieved all
            come to recognise that our dispensary’s               our short-term objectives and successfully
            efficiency and service delivery were not              opened the dispensary on the targeted date
            meeting the standards we anticipated.                 of April 2 , 2024.
            In December 2023, we sought the expertise
            of Caroline Pond, who conducted a                     The first two weeks were characterised by
            comprehensive two-day onsite assessment.              significant chaos, including long queues,
            The findings indicated that the most                  difficulties in locating dispensed bags, and
            effective course of action would be to                several owing bags on shelves, to list a few.
            terminate the hybrid model and restructure
            the dispensary as an independent entity.              When crafting our business plan, we
                                                                  balanced immediate objectives with our
            A comprehensive business case was                     long-term vision. Our short-term targets,
            developed, and we executed the plan                   which must be accomplished within three
            from January to March 2024, with the                  months, were clearly defined to ensure the
            aim of opening the new dispensary on                  dispensary’s opening on April 2 , 2024.
            2  April 2024. Since the dispensary was               Our broader vision outlines how we want the
            operating within the pharmacy footprint, a            dispensary to evolve, including implementing
            designated space inside the Health Centre             innovative solutions like Golden Tote and
            was constructed within an extremely tight             PharmaSelf24 to enhance service delivery
            timeframe. Five new dispensers were also              and improve customer service.
            successfully recruited within a short period
            of time.

                                                                              Dispensar of the year | PS Magazine   31

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