Page 32 - PSUK march 2025 mag (print)
P. 32

At the heart of our mission is a commitment
                                                                  to providing outstanding service to our
                                                                  patients. Since our inception, we have
                                                                  envisioned a 24/7 prescription collection
                                                                  point to serve our local community. Through
                                                                  collaboration with the Local Council and
                                                                  BOB ICB, we successfully secured Section
                                                                  106 funding for the PharmaSelf24 machine.
                                                                  The installation of this machine on 4th
                                                                  November 2024, enabled us to operate
            Due to the limited space in our dispensary            efficiently in the weeks leading up to the
            area, we faced challenges in storing a large          Christmas rush, allowing patients to collect
            volume of stock. To address this issue,               their medication at any time, day or night.
            we implemented Golden Tote software
            on 13  May 2024, which proved to be a                 We offer a free delivery service to nearby
            transformative solution. The integration              villages. On 11/11/24, we were thrilled
            of Golden Tote significantly enhanced                 to introduce our brand-new all-electric
            our operational efficiency and virtually              dispensary delivery van. We are dedicated
            eliminated dispensing errors. Additionally,           to doing our part for the planet, and this
            the ProScript functionality for locating              represents a significant step forward.
            dispensed medication bags further
            streamlined our processes at the dispensary           For convenience, we have placed Medication
            hatch. Within the first three to four months,         Ordering Boxes in villages such as
            patients noticed the improvements in                  Charlbury, Long Compton, Hook Norton,
            service quality and efficiency, resulting in          Enstone, Kingham, and Bledington, as well
            a stream of positive feedback. The PSUK               as on the Villager Bus, where patients can
            team was instrumental in installing the IT            drop off their repeat ordering slips.
            systems and providing training and support.
                                                                  Our dispensary is still in its infancy, yet it
            Immediately after the opening, we                     has achieved significant milestones and is
            purchased a ticket dispenser to manage the            providing excellent service to around 5,000
            long queues at the dispensary hatch, yet we           dispensing patients. Throughout our journey,
            discovered that the queues vanished as our            the PSUK team has been a supportive
            dispensary became more efficient with the             partner. Our dispensing team and the
            implementation of modern technologies.                PSUK team have worked collaboratively to
            We never required that ticket dispenser!              analyse the monthly dispensing business,
                                                                  identify areas for improvement, and
                                                                  enhance cost-effectiveness. We have also
                                                                  benefited from attending the educational
                                                                  sessions organised by PSUK.

                                                                  It has been a challenging journey, but our
                                                                  hard work, teamwork, dedication, innovation,
                                                                  and strategic planning have enabled us to
                                                                  overcome every hurdle. While we take great
                                                                  pride in these achievements, our dispensary
                                                                  makes invaluable contributions to our
                                                                  patient service.
             32    PS Magazine | Dispensary of the year

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