Page 7 - PSUK march 2025 mag (print)
P. 7
The number of hours
recommended by the guidance
for the scheme are as below.
Contractors could be expected to employ a
staff member for an extra 19 hours for each
additional 1,500 items dispensed per month
above 11,000 items.
The guidance also points out that the level of
staff hours relates to those hours that staff
are engaged in dispensing activities and not
to other activities they may undertake in
the practice and this is important when you
are analysing the cost of dispensing your
prescriptions. Let me go into this in a bit
more detail.
You have two defined income channels into
the dispensary – dispensing fee income and
reimbursement for the cost of drugs. Against
each of these will be a cost to be deducted.
For fees, it should be the cost of dispensing
the prescriptions which will mainly be staff
costs and for reimbursement of drug costs it
will be your drug spend. Each should carry a
positive margin in favour of the dispensary.
If you are to look at one of your drug
statements, you can see each of these
income values each month; we went into this
in detail last month if you need to refer back
to my article.
07/02/2025 16:29:11
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 7
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 7 07/02/2025 16:29:11