Page 12 - PSUK march 2025 mag (print)
P. 12
Good for patients,
good for the dispensary.
With Ed Kennedy, Managing Partner of
Wickham Surgery & PSUK member.
Ed Kennedy is the non-clinical One area that has particularly
Managing Partner of Wickham stood out is case finding.
Surgery, overseeing a dispensary Identifying undiagnosed
of 20,000 items per month. conditions such as atrial
fibrillation (AF), hypertension, or
He founded the patients eligible for therapies
Wessex Dispensing Forum, like SGLT2 inhibitors is a win-win
a biannual event supported by for all involved.
Ed Kennedy
PSUK that brings together local
dispensing practices to share Case finding not only improves
advice and discuss sustainable patient outcomes but also
best practices. strengthens the dispensary’s role
in delivering comprehensive care.
With over 15 years of experience For example, undiagnosed or
in community pharmacy, the poorly managed AF can lead to
pharmaceutical industry, and devastating outcomes such as
primary care, Ed is passionate stroke. By proactively identifying
about ensuring dispensing these patients through searches
practices thrive while delivering and reviews, practices can
high-quality patient care. intervene earlier, reducing the
likelihood of adverse events and
“As the Managing Partner of a hospital admissions.
busy dispensing practice, I’ve
seen firsthand how strategic Similarly, better management
initiatives can benefit both of hypertension can prevent
patients and the practice. In an complications such as heart
era where profitability is more attacks or kidney disease. These
challenging than ever, it’s vital to improvements translate to
make decisions that are good for tangible benefits for patients—
patients and the dispensary. and advantages for the
dispensary too.
07/02/2025 16:29:14
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 12
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 12 07/02/2025 16:29:14