Page 14 - PSUK march 2025 mag (print)
P. 14
Big savings with
PSUK Discount Partners
We are excited to bring you the latest proposition adding value to your
membership, Discount Partners.
What are PSUK Discount Partners?
We are always looking at new ways that we can save money for our
members - and Discount Partners is our way of providing you savings
for all of your purchases that are not related to your drugs costs.
How can Discount Partners support your practice?
We work hard to partner with the right suppliers to support dispensing
doctors to create efficiencies in the workplace and provide the
everyday essentials you need at specially negotiated prices, so they’re
readily available for your use.
Each supplier is fully
vetted by PSUK against Invoiced directly by the
quality, value, service and supplier.
trust criteria.
We negotiate terms and Easy ordering of hundreds
price on behalf of our of dispensary essentials
membership, so you don’t through our PSUK eShop.
have to!
14 PS Magazine | Discount Partners
07/02/2025 16:29:15
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 14 07/02/2025 16:29:15
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 14