Page 13 - PSUK march 2025 mag (print)
P. 13
From a dispensary perspective, interventions Ultimately, case finding isn’t just about
often result in increased prescription identifying opportunities; it’s about taking
volumes. This is particularly impactful when meaningful action. Proactively addressing
introducing patients to medications with patient needs builds trust and improves
some of the more attractive manufacturer health outcomes while also supporting
discounts (MDS). For example, many SGLT2 the dispensary’s operational goals. This
inhibitors, pivotal in managing diabetes and approach underscores the critical role that
heart failure, offer excellent outcomes for dispensing practices play in patient care—
patients while being advantageous in terms ensuring the right medication reaches the
of dispensing margins. Make sure you speak right patient at the right time.
to your PSUK reps to find out which ones By embracing case finding, we can
have MDS. ensure that our practices remain not just
sustainable but thriving hubs of healthcare
Another key benefit of case finding delivery. It’s good for patients, it’s good for
is the potential for collaboration with the dispensary, and it’s good for the future
pharmaceutical companies. Many of primary care.
companies provide support for searches
and patient reviews, making it easier for I’ll leave you with this thought: Why can’t
practices to implement systematic case birds in an aviary have Solpadeine?
finding. Additionally, PSUK representatives Because… the parrotseatamol.”
can help identify which brands offer the
best manufacturer discounts, providing a
valuable tool to align with local formularies
and guidelines. This external support
reduces the workload for practice staff and
ensures that more patients can benefit from
timely interventions.
Once patient cohorts have been identified,
PSUK offers excellent resources to support
practices in implementing changes
effectively. For instance, the Boost tables
and Profitability & Dispensing (PAD) guides
are particularly helpful when reviewing
potential product switches. These tools
help assess which medications align best
with patient needs while also considering
dispensing margins. By using these
materials, practices can make evidence-
based decisions that optimise outcomes
for both patients and the dispensary.
Furthermore, if you ask your PSUK
representative (nicely!), they would be
happy to meet with you and go through
these tools, ensuring you get the most value
from them.
The process doesn’t have to be daunting.
Many of the searches already exist or can
be imported. For example, targeting patients
with poorly controlled diabetes or those
overdue for hypertension reviews can be an
excellent starting point. Leveraging support
from companies and PSUK reps can further
enhance these initiatives, streamlining the
process and ensuring consistent follow-up.
07/02/2025 16:29:14
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 13 07/02/2025 16:29:14
PSUK march 2025 mag 07-02-2025.indd 13