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                      Upcoming contractual dates for January

                                                            England, Wales and Scotland
              Key health
              awareness dates
              for March 2025                          1.  Directory of Services (DoS) - Between 1  January –
                                                          31  March
                                                          Pharmacies are required to verify and where necessary,
              Ovarian Cancer                              update the information contained in their NHS website
              Month                                       profile and their Directory of Services (DoS) profile using

              Brain Tumour                                the Profile Manager at least each quarter of the financial
              Awareness Month                             year. This is a mandatory requirement for all contractors.

              Awareness Month                               England

              Day – 1  March
              Self-Injury Awareness                   1.  Pharmacy First Service: Clinical pathway
                                                          consultations minimum threshold increases – 1        st
              Day – 8  March                              March
              International Women’s                       The activity threshold of clinical pathway consultations
                                                          increases to a minimum of 30 clinical pathways per month.
              12  March                               2.  Flu vaccination service ends for 2024/2025 – 31  March
              No Smoking Day                              At the end of the day remove any promotional materials
                                                          for the Flu Vaccination. Service (including any on your
              13  March                                   website) and ensure all staff are aware that the service
                                                          has now finished for 2024/25.
              World Kidney Day
                                                      3.  Covid-19 vaccination service autumn/winter
              14  March                                   programme ends – 31  March
                                                          The autumn/winter programme finishes, and the spring/
              World Sleep Day                             summer programme starts on the 1st April.
              20  March                               4.  Pharmacy First Service: Change to criteria to receive
              International Day of                        monthly fixed payment
                                                          Deadline for pharmacy owners who are delivering
              Happiness                                   Pharmacy First to also deliver the Pharmacy
                                                          Contraception Service and Hypertension Case-
              20  March                                   Finding Service to qualify for the monthly £1,000 fixed
              World Oral Health Day                       payment (as well as meeting the relevant consultation
                                                      5.  Healthy Living Pharmacy: Community engagement
                                                          exercise – 31  March
                                                          Deadline for undertaking a community engagement
                                                          exercise (at least one must be undertaken per financial
                                                          year) on the promotion of healthy living, which involves:
                                                          •   Actively working in collaboration with other organisations to
                                                              deliver pharmacy outreach and any locally commissioned
                                                              services; and
                                                          •   Taking prevention and health promotion services beyond the
                                                              pharmacy premises. Pharmacy outreach may be face to face
                                                              and take services to people where they live or spend time or
                                                              maybe virtual events.

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