Page 15 - P4403.59-V44_Numark Magazine October 23 web
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My Current Role As a member organisation we have the collective
knowledge of over 5000 members. I would like us to
‘’In my current role, my primary responsibility is to better represent their voice to influence the future of
develop a range of propositions that empower our the profession and direction of the pharmacy contract.
members to succeed. I serve as the external voice of I also think we have missed the opportunity to bring
our members, ensuring that all our propositions deliver members together to share collective knowledge.
tangible value and align with their best interests.
Trends and Challenges Leveraging Technology and Digital
‘’The pharmacy landscape faces significant challenges, ‘’Numark has a history of introducing innovative
including rising costs and stagnant pharmacy contract technology to benefit members. Its scale allows for
incomes. Our propositions must provide clear value to strategic investments that spare individual contractors
our members in this challenging environment. Despite from incurring costs. This ensures competitiveness in a
an expanded role in health promotion and training,
pharmacies are struggling to manage core workloads rapidly changing customer landscape.
due to workforce shortages and increased demands.
Nurturing Relationships with
‘’Numark can leverage its scale to offer solutions Stakeholders
that enhance efficiency, thus freeing up capacity to
accommodate the evolving role of pharmacy in primary ‘’Numark has a strong history of lobbying on behalf
care. Customer expectations have shifted due to of our members, and I aspire to build on this legacy
technological advancements, demanding convenient to represent the view of our members publically to
and speedy services. To meet these expectations and make a meaningful impact on regulatory frameworks,
manage increasing workloads, the industry needs healthcare policies and reimbursement structures.
adaptable solutions.
‘’Our goal is to amplify all members' voices, ensuring
Competitive Landscape and that challenges faced by English contractors don't
Differentiation overshadow opportunities and issues within different
home nations' contracts.
‘’Numark's unique strength lies in its substantial Vision for Numark's Proposition
size and capacity to support member growth within
a challenging industry. With over 5000 members, Portfolio
Numark can negotiate competitive terms and invest
in initiatives that foster member success. Becoming a ‘’My vision is for Numark to possess a portfolio of
Numark member means being part of an organisation propositions that every independent pharmacy wants
that invests in the success of our members. to embrace. By understanding members' preferences
and emphasising proposition value, I aim to position
Enhancing the Value Proposition Numark as an example of success within the market.
‘’Enhancing the value proposition involves transparency, Ambition as Head of Proposition
highlighting existing propositions, and demonstrating
how they add value. Emphasising direct comparisons ‘’My ambition is for Numark members to recognise
with competitors can showcase Numark's market- the value of their membership. I strive to establish
leading offerings. Numark's propositions as the industry's best and to
ensure members play a significant role in shaping
Replacing Strategies with Member proposition launches, fostering a sense of ownership
and collaboration."
‘’I am not a big fan of the word strategy; it gives me the
impression that people are working in some isolated
office by themselves thinking they have all the answers.
I think my role is to listen and to develop solutions that
support our members to succeed and thrive. I want to
develop ways in which we can work with members to
develop propositions that they really want and address
the challenges they face. "