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In the last 12 months alone, we have negotiated 25 enhancements to
                                        MDS deals and agreed 11 deals exclusive to PSUK members only. In
                                        total PSUK members now have access to 29 exclusive MDS deals giving
                                        practices the opportunity to boost their margins.
                                        This year the team have secured access to new products such as
                                        Benelixa and Dexacom, offering profitable MDS discounts, as well as
                                        securing the distribution of the AstraZeneca portfolio.  We continue
                                        to talk to our pharma partners to explore new opportunities that will
                                        benefit PSUK members.
                                        Keep your eyes open for our monthly updates and top tips to
                                        understand how these deals can benefit your practice.

                                        PSUK events team
                                        Being offered tips and guidance to point you in the right direction is
                                        important – but upskilling your staff to enable them to understand
                                        where to look for opportunities and understand how the dispensary
                                        makes money is invaluable.

                                        In an environment that is becoming more challenging, it is really
                                        important for lead GP’s, practice managers and dispensary staff to
                                        keep up to date with knowledge about how the inner working of their
                                        dispensary and how to manage the potential to the fullest.

                                        As a PSUK member, you will get access to free training courses across
                                        the country, specifically focused on dispensing practices.

                                        Our events team are responsible for finding out what our members
                                        want to learn about and sourcing experts to deliver this insightful
                                        content at locations all over the UK, ensuring that wherever your
                                        practice is – there will always be a study day accessible to you. To find
                                        out which study days are being put on local to you - visit our website

                                        PSUK propositions

                                        Our proposition team drive the propositions that deliver benefits to
                                        our members.  We are always talking to members to understand their
                                        challenges and develop solutions to specifically meet these needs.
                                        We crunch all of the numbers and do all the data analysis so you don’t
                                        have to.  Over the past 12 months we have delivered:

                                        •  Enhanced profit boost tables to enable you to quickly and easily
                                           compare profitable products in a therapy area.

                                        •  Rolled out the Profit and Dispensing guide (PAD) on to our portal
                                           giving everyone in the practice access to Gold, Silver and Bronze
                                           options for profitable and cost saving prescribing.
                                        •  Introduced an over tariff feature into the portal allowing members
                                           to recognize over tariff purchases.
                                        •  Brought to market Golden Tote for dispensing doctor’s, to provide
                                           significant efficiency savings in the dispensary.
                                        •  Introduced PSUK Chat to ensuring our members can contact us in a
                                           convenient easy way.
                                        We are working on more exciting propositions for dispensing doctors to
                                        drive even more benefits, based on members feedback – so look out
                                        for more information coming soon.

               or call us on 01904 558 350                              The team behind our members | PS Magazine   13

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