Page 15 - P4304.1-V99_PS Magazine - July 24
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              Every brand purchase will make you a loss after clawback
              unless you are getting a Manufacturer Discount of at least
              11.18%. Its not rocket science; if you don’t look for brands
              with discounts then you will lose money. You have the
              information on your prescriptions and invoices – a brand is
              either good for the finances or not. Do something about it
              On the same subject, if you have selected a brand on the
              basis of it carrying a discount, for goodness sake check
              you are signed up onto the discount schemes. That goes
              for all schemes, regardless of which wholesaler they
              are with, unless the discount is paid automatically.
              Your PSUK account manager will help here as
              they know what sign ups you have and more
              importantly those you don’t!

              3.     WRONG GROUP MOVEMENTS

              Have you had sight of your wrong group
              movement report (from the PCSE portal)?
              If not can I ask that you ask your Practice
              Manager about getting sight of it. You really
              need to understand how good your dispensary
              prescription management is; slack handling of
              the backs of prescriptions can cost you dear.

               or call us on 01904 558 350

                                                                                                                 05/06/2024   16:22:26
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