Page 27 - P4304.1-V99_PS Magazine - July 24
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Teva Testosterone                                  The newly launched generic can make your
                 The time it is taking for newly launched generics   practice £4.44 profit per pack, whereas the
                 to be added to Category M, and subsequently        brand and PI are loss-making lines due to the
                 having their reimbursement price cut is reducing.  limited discount currently available.
                 Which is why maximising on the profit available    Around 80% of prescriptions are written by
                 on a brand new generic launch is a great way to    the brand name, so your practice may need to
                 improve your practice’s profitability.             update your systems to take advantage of the
                                                                    profitability of the generic
                 This month generic Testosterone Solution
                 for Injection became available and is a great      We do need to remind you that as this is a
                 example of how moving from buying a brand to a     generic product, the price can change without
                 generic can benefit you.                           prior notice.
                                                              NHS                       NETT    NHS
                   Supplier  PIP Code  Product Description         Rebate  WD    Total %               Profit Per Pack
                                                             Price                      Price  Clawback
                                   Testosterone 250mg/ml Solution
                    APM    6784748                           £87.11        APM          £72.93  £9.74     £4.44
                                   for Injection (1 x 4ml)
                                   Nebido 250mg/ml Solution for
                 Grunenthal   -                              £87.11  0%    4%     4%    £83.63  £9.74     -£6.25
                                   Injection (1 x 4ml)
                                   Nebido 250mg/ml Solution for
                     PI    8863367                           £87.11         PI         £86.66  £9.74      -£9.29
                                   Injection (1 x 4ml)

                 Rivaroxaban Launch                                 generic can offer your practice significant profit
                 The time it is taking for newly launched generics to   compared to the brand.
                 be added to Category M, and subsequently having    As we do with many other generic launches and
                 their reimbursement price cut is reducing.         off-patents, we have created an APM+ deal on the
                 Which is why maximising on the profit available on a   PSUK Portal.
                 brand new generic launch is a great way to improve   If  within your practice, you decide you want to
                 your practice’s profitability.                     make this switch and activate the APM+ deal,
                 At the start of April generic Rivaroxaban 2.5mg    any orders you place for Xarelto Tablets will be
                                                                    substituted with the generic alternative.
                 Tablets became available and then in May the
                 remaining strengths and pack sizes were launched.  We do need to remind you that as this is a generic
                 As the tables below highlight, switching to the    product, so the price can change without prior notice.
                                                              NHS                       NETT    NHS
                   Supplier  PIP Code  Product Description         Rebate  WD¹   Total %               Profit Per Pack
                                                             Price                      Price  Clawback
                    APM    6784961  Rivaroxaban 2.5mg Tablets (56)  £50.40  APM         £20.75  £5.63     £24.02
                   Bayer   3927704  Xarelto 2.5mg Tablets (56)  £50.40  0%  1.05%  1.05%  £49.87  £5.63   -£5.11

                    APM    6785000 Rivaroxaban 10mg Tablets (10)  £18.00   APM          £7.41  £2.01      £8.58
                    APM    6785026  Rivaroxaban 10mg Tablets (30)  £54.00  APM          £22.23  £6.04     £25.73
                   Bayer   3423746  Xarelto 10mg Tablets (10)  £18.00  0%  1.05%  1.05%  £17.81  £2.01    -£1.82
                   Bayer   3423498  Xarelto 10mg Tablets (30)  £54.00  0%  1.05%  1.05%  £53.43  £6.04    -£5.47

                    APM    6785034  Rivaroxaban 15mg Tablets (14)  £25.20  APM          £10.38  £2.82     £12.01
                    APM    6784979  Rivaroxaban 15mg Tablets (28)  £50.40  APM          £20.75  £5.63     £24.01
                    APM    6784987  Rivaroxaban 15mg Tablets (42)  £75.60  APM          £31.13  £8.45     £36.02
                   Bayer   3835055  Xarelto 15mg Tablets (10)  £25.20  0%  1.05%  1.05%  £24.94  £2.82    -£2.55
                   Bayer   3684354  Xarelto 15mg Tablets (30)  £50.40  0%  1.05%  1.05%  £49.87  £5.63    -£5.11
                   Bayer   3684339  Xarelto 15mg Tablets (42)  £75.60  0%  1.05%  1.05%  £74.81  £8.45    -£7.66

                    APM    6784995  Rivaroxaban 20mg Tablets (28)  £50.40  APM          £20.75  £5.63     £24.01
                   Bayer   3684362  Xarelto 20mg Tablets (28)  £50.40  0%  1.05%  1.05%  £49.87  £5.63    -£5.11
                  1. The 1.05% WD shown is paid by BACS and will appear on your Manufacturer Loyalty Remittance Advice Statement

               or call us on 01904 558 350                                                 Top Tips | PS Magazine   27

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