Page 2 - PUI Handbook 8-21
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Welcome Message
Welcome to the Precision Underground team! We hope your
employment will be rewarding and fulfilling. All of our employees are
part of a team, working together to accomplish short- and long-term
goals of the company. Every employee plays a unique role in the
company. It may take time to determine your role; however, we always
see the strength of an employee emerge as they become comfortable
with their co-workers, supervisors, and management.
The success of Precision Underground depends on the Company’s
ability to meet customer demands while performing quality work in a
safe work environment. The position you hold with the company is
essential in upholding our commitment to provide high quality work to
our customers. Respect for our customers, your team members, the
Company’s property, and safe work practices are expectations required
of you to ensure continued success.
I often quote an expression used in the military. “You can take a hard
right or an easy wrong.” This expression goes far beyond work at
Precision Underground as it applies to every facet of your life. You
have a choice of taking a route that seems easier but may end up with
the wrong result or you can choose to take the extra effort and hard
work it takes to make the right decision and the right result. We do not
cut corners at Precision Underground. Every employee is expected to
take the hard right. Thank you for being a part of our team!
Sara Ryckman
Sara Ryckman
Owner/General Manager
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