Page 96 - PUI Handbook 8-21
P. 96
Cell Phone Policy and Preventing Distracted Driving
This policy about cellular phone usage applies to any device
that makes or receives phone calls, leaves messages, sends text
messages, surfs the Internet, or downloads and allows for the reading
of and responding to email whether the device is company-supplied or
personally owned.
The Company may provide a cell phone or a cell phone reimbursement
to employees in certain positions to improve efficiency and
effectiveness. When cell phones are used for Company business,
employees must comply with all Company policies governing conduct,
including our policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and
violence in the workplace. When using the cell phone in a public place,
remember to maintain confidentiality of any private or confidential
business information. Personal use of a cell phone while at work
should be limited unless there is an emergency.
An employee who uses a company-supplied device or a company-
supplied vehicle is prohibited from using a cell phone while driving
whether the business conducted is personal or company-related.
Employees that are operating their personal vehicle are prohibited from
using their cell phone while driving if you are in any way doing
activities that are related to your employment. The only exception to
the above prohibition is use of a hands-free speaker used to place or
receive calls. In the absence of a hands-free speaker you are required
to stop your vehicle in a safe location so that you can safely use your
cell phone or similar device. Passengers in a vehicle are not prohibited
from using their device.
Although the Company permits the use of a hands-free speaker to place
or receive calls, stopping the vehicle in a safe location is recommended
and the best alternative. Texting while operating any vehicle during
work hours is forbidden.
Employees will be given two warnings. The third time an employee is
found to be in violation of this policy, it is grounds for immediate
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