Page 98 - PUI Handbook 8-21
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you are an associate and make it clear that your views do not
represent those of the Company, fellow associates, members,
customers, suppliers or people working on behalf of the Company.
If you do publish a blog or post online related to the work you do,
or subjects associated with the Company, make it clear that you
are not speaking on behalf of the Company. It is best to include a
disclaimer such as “The postings on this site are my own and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Company.”
Using social media at work:
Refrain from using social media while on work time or on equipment
we provide, unless it is work-related as authorized by your supervisor.
Do not use the Company email addresses to register on social
networks, blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use.
Representing yourself as the Company is prohibited unless instructed
to do so by Management.
Media contacts:
Employees are not to speak to the media on the Company. All media
inquiries must be directed to the General Manager.
Consent form:
Pursuant to law, the Company will not release any personally
identifiable information without prior written consent from you.
Personally identifiable information includes employees name, photo or
image, residential address, email address, phone numbers and locations
of job assignments. Consent may be rescinded at any time in writing
by sending a letter to the General Manager of the Company and such
rescission will take effect upon receipt by the Company.
Precision Underground may, in its sole discretion, provide
laptop and tablets or other hand-held or similar computing devices to
certain employees for the express purpose of enhancing the
productivity and operational efficiency of company. The purpose of
this policy is to establish general guidelines for the issuance and
utilization of all such devices by employees of Precision Underground.
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