Page 99 - PUI Handbook 8-21
P. 99
These devices are the property of the Company as is the materials
contained within.
The term “Asset” shall mean and be inclusive of all laptops, tablets, or
other similar hand-held computing devices. A laptop shall include any
portable computer including, but not limited to, the Microsoft
Windows and Apple Macintosh platforms. Any such device including
all desktop computers that are provided by Precision Underground
shall be utilized for e-mail communication, internet access, and
running appropriate operational software applications only.
1. The loaning of an Asset is prohibited.
2. Other individuals, including children, are prohibited from play on
the computer.
3. Proper care is to be given to the Asset always, including but not
limited to the following:
a. Give care appropriate for any electrical device.
b. Keep food and drink away from the computer.
c. Do not leave the Asset exposed to direct sunlight or extreme
d. Position the Asset on a safe surface so it does not drop or fall.
e. Do not attempt to repair a damaged or malfunctioning Asset.
f. Do no remove anti-virus or other security software.
4. Proper security is to be provided for the Asset at all times,
including but not limited to, the following:
a. Secure the Asset in a safe place at the end of the day.
b. Do not leave the Asset in an unlocked vehicle.
c. Do not leave the Asset in the vehicle overnight.
d. Do not leave the A/C adapter behind when moving the Asset.
5. Writing on or placing labels or stickers on the asset is forbidden.
Communication with News Media
Unless otherwise approved, the only persons authorized to
discuss Company matters with the news media is the General Manager.
Other employees of the Company are instructed not to respond, under
any circumstances, to inquiries from the new media unless specifically
authorized by the General Manager.
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