Page 13 - JGS4x4 CATALOGUE
P. 13

> Exterior Protection

        Mudflaps                            Reduce those muddy splashes from over your Land Rover.
        Defender - 1987 onwards                               Freelander
        Front Mudflaps                                        Freelander 1
        LR055323    90/110/130                             RHS STC7978ABLR   Front   Up to 1A999999 - Hatton Grey     Pair
        LR055333    90/110/130                             LHS STC53075AALR   Front   From 2A000001 - Black       Pair
        RTC4685     90/110/130 - flaps only                Pair  STC53076AALR   Rear   From 2A000001 up to 3A999999 - Black    Pair
        RTC9479     90/110/130 - with brackets             Pair  CAT500060PMALR Rear   From 4A000001 - Black      Pair
        Rear Mudflaps                                         Freelander 2
        LR055332    90 - black Britpart logo               RHS LR003324    Front                                  Pair
        LR055340    90 - with exhaust cut-out - black Britpart logo     LHS LR003322   Rear                       Pair
        CAT500450PMA   90 - no exhaust cut-out - black Britpart logo     LHS
        DA4531      90 - with exhaust cut-out - yellow Britpart logo     Pair  Range Rover
        DA4532      90 - no exhaust cut-out - yellow Britpart logo     Pair  Range Rover Classic
                    90 - Wide mudflaps - universal fitment - no exhaust cut-out
        DA4533                                            Pair  RTC9562    Front     1986 - 1994                  Pair
                    - yellow Britpart logo                    MXC5587      Front - flap only  1986 - 1994       Single
        MXC6412     90 - from FA414687 up to WA159806      RHS  MXC5587    Rear - flap only  1986 - 1994        Single
        MXC6413     90 - from FA414687 up to WA159806      LHS  Range Rover P38
        MUC3990     90 - hard & soft top - from AA232011 up to FA414686     LHS  CAS100920   Front   From XA428522     RHS
        MUC2344     90 - from 3A650368 up to 5A690309      RHS  CAS100930   Front    From XA428522                LHS
        DA4534      110/130 Crew cab - yellow Britpart logo     Pair  STC8535   Front                             Pair
        DA4536      110/130 Crew cab - Wide mudflaps - yellow Britpart logo     Pair  STC8536   Rear   Single exhaust     Pair
        BTR277      110/130 - universal - flap only - from FA414616   Single  STC7703   Rear   Twin exhaust       Pair
        LR055330    110/130 - black Britpart logo          RHS  CAT101160   Rear     From XA428522                RHS
        LR055334    110/130 - black Britpart logo          LHS  CAT101170   Rear     From XA428522                LHS
        LR055331    110/130 HCPU - black Britpart logo     RHS  Range Rover Sport - 2005 - 2009
        LR055339    110/130 HCPU                           LHS  CAS500070PCL   Front                              Pair
        DA4535      110/130 HCPU - yellow Britpart logo     Pair  CAT500120PCL   Rear   Less sport bumper protection     Pair
        Mudflap Brackets   Photos available in Chassis & Body Section   Range Rover Sport - 2010 - 2013
                        Defender 90/110/130   Galvanised      CAS500070PCL   Front                                Pair
        DA1188                                      Front  Pair  VPLSP0016LR   Rear                               Pair
                        Equivalent to MTC3000 & MTC3001
                        Defender 90     Galvanised            Range Rover Sport - 2014 onwards - not SVR model
        DA1187                                      Rear  Pair  VPLWP0167   Front    Compatible with electric deployable step    Pair
                        Equivalent to MUC3986 & MUC3987
        MTC3000SS       Defender 90/110/130   Stainless steel   Front   RHS   VPLWP0165   Front   Not compatible with electric deployable step Pair
        MTC3001SS       Defender 90/110/130   Stainless steel   Front   LHS  VPLWP0166   Rear                     Pair
        MUC3986SS       Defender 90     Stainless steel   Rear   RHS  Range Rover L322 - 2002 - 2009
        MUC3987SS       Defender 90     Stainless steel   Rear   LHS  CAS000150PMALR Front   Up to 5A999999       Pair
        The two brackets below are not available as stand alone brackets from Land Rover -   VUB001320LR   Front   Up to 5A999999     RHS
        they are only available to order along with the mudflap. The universal number for the   VUB001330LR   Front   Up to 5A999999     LHS
        mudflap for all Defender 110/130 rear applications is BTR277.   CAS500060PMA   Front   From 6A198416      Pair
        CAT500340PMASS   Defender 110/130   Stainless steel   Rear   RHS   VUB503940   Front   From 6A198416 - for side step     Pair
        Can be used as a replacement bracket for - LR055331   CAT000180PMA   Rear    Up to 5A999999               Pair
        CAT500350PMASS   Defender 110/130   Stainless steel   Rear   LHS  CAT500070PMA   Rear   From 6A198416     Pair
        Can be used as a replacement bracket for - LR055339   Range Rover L322 - 2010 - 2012
                                                              CAS500060PMA   Front   From AA000001                Pair
                                                              CAT500070PMA   Rear    From AA000001                Pair
                                                              Range Rover L405 - 2013 onwards
                                                              VPLGP0111LR   Front    Compatible with electric deployable step    Pair
                                                              VPLGP0109    Front     Not compatible with electric deployable step Pair
         DA4531                                               VPLGP0110    Rear                                   Pair
                                                              Range Rover Evoque
                                                              VPLVP0065    Front     Pure & Prestige              Pair
                                                              VPLVP0069    Rear      Pure & Prestige              Pair
                                                              VPLVP0066    Front     Dynamic                      Pair
                                                              VPLVP0070    Rear      Dynamic - excluding parallel parking sensors Pair
                                             CAS500010PCL                         CAT500010PCL

        Discovery 1
        RTC6820      Front              Pair
        RTC6821      Rear               Pair
        Discovery 2
        CAS100900LR   Front & rear      RHS
        CAS100910LR   Front & rear      LHS
        Replacement mudflaps for side step DA8534                                    Note - RHS - Right hand side / LHS - Left hand side
        STC50221     Front              RHS            More mudflap images at
        STC50222     Front              LHS
        Discovery 3
        CAS500010PCL  Front             Pair  CAS500070PCL                        CAT500120PCL
        CAT500010PCL   Rear - unpainted bumper   Pair
        VPLAP0017LR   Rear - partially painted bumper  Pair
        Discovery 4
        CAS500010PCL  Front             Pair
        CAT500010PCL   Rear - unpainted bumper   Pair
        VPLAP0017LR   Rear - partially painted bumper Pair
        Discovery 5
        VPLRP0283LR  Front              Pair
        VPLRP0357LR  Rear               Pair
        Discovery Sport
        VPLCP0203LR  Front              Pair
                     Rear               Pair
        VPLCP0204LR  7-seat without spare wheel & 5-seat

        VPLCP0277LR                     Pair
                     7-seat with spare wheel
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