Page 18 - Human Resource Group Work
P. 18

       Duties                                                       employees’ needs

                                                                    for training

                                                                    Update training

     The Training and                                               programs to

     Development Manager is                                         ensure that they

     responsible for improving                                      are current

     the productivity of the

     organization's employees.                                      Review training

     This is done by analyzing                                      materials from a

     the strategic goals of the                                     variety of vendors

     company/organization and                                       and select

     the developmental needs in                                     materials with

     order to design training                                       appropriate

     initiatives and identify                                       content

     /arranges suitable training

     solutions for employees.                                       Evaluate the
                                                                    effectiveness of

                                                                    training programs

                                                                    and instructors

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