Page 14 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 14
Mahmoud Aladin: In other words, the business no better choice than Mahmoud
Aladin to exemplify as a
visionary is any individual who
risk-taker in which the odds
recognizes a chance and choos-
Conquering Every es to seek after it, paying little were in his favor, making him
heed to the assets available to
a rising Entrepreneur star in
Egypt. Mahmoud Aladin is a
them right now. They visualize
Opportunity what could be out of a market CEO and Founder of multiple
great businesses that have suc-
gap and figure out how to get
- Maryam Gehad
it going, regardless of wheth- ceeded to shine since day one,
er they don’t have the adequate including Egypuppy, Mokai
Being a human in the 21st -eering student, it was a jaw- resources close by to do so at Egypt, Bekky Barber, and Bikol-
century means being in a drop to come across this word present. It’s a jump—a danger- ogy Egypt. COVID-19 has been
world of trading, of business, and figure out it was a lifestyle. ous one—however, somebody on the top of all our heads, in-
and take-this-have-that, or in To understand it all together needs to take such leaps if we cluding Aladin. His daily routine
other words, it means “En- was a task, mainly because I need to create imaginative new and businesses, to no surprise,
trepreneurship.” Economics, firmly believe Entrepreneurship items, manufacture better asso- have been impacted. Apart from
business, and political science shouldn’t be limited to academia ciations, and keep our organiza- the lack of customers, the food
students perfectly know what and a job; it is something that tions and the bigger economy stocking was the most obtru-
that means. Still, as an engin- you can acquire in everyday life. reliable and sound. There was sive, and for the quality control,
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