Page 13 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 13
might have had to sit through un- closed their doors for good. And where you stand compared to others. And remember, adversity (al-
imaginable pressure with barely those who seem to survive have most always) never discriminates. Maybe this coincidental oxymo-
any getaway. When you have to endured enormous losses- may- ron here is a sign of inverse situations, use it well...
compromise one security for the be had to deactivate a depart-
other, you have to decide on a ment or relocate a branch. Many
cost. Whether this cost comes in startups lost funding, and NGOs
the form of a pandemic diagno- were vulnerable due to the lev- Kamel, M. (2020, July 21). Egypt VS Coronavirus: Tourism blow creates domino effect. Retrieved September 28,
sis or abuse of sorts, it’s hard to el of need skyrocketing, yet re- 2020, from
pay. sources stayed the same (if not
Those at the top of the hierar-
chy seem to be cornered as well- Apparently, safety turns out to be
regardless of the scale of their subjective. You need more than a
organizations. Both the barber- face mask and a sanitizer to come
shop at the crossroad and the out of this crisis still intact. Take
fancy restaurant two blocks away a second today to acknowledge
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