Page 8 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 8
-tion or agriculture. According oversight that communicates Economics Upon enforcement of lock-
to the Minister, these loans will and coordinates with other en- down procedures, with travel
be paid in monthly installments tities, in replacement of the reservations being on hold in-
and the bank will provide a 6 approximate 32 supervisory au- COVID-19 definitely, we presumed we’re
month grace period for borrow- thorities for tourist facilities that isolating ourselves from “ex-
ers. Additionally, a six-month currently exist. ternal” danger. Only it’s for the
real estate tax exemption has As A Social Egyptians abroad that it was an
been issued on hotel and tour- abrupt uncertainty- a loss of di-
ism establishments to allow a rection. From international stu-
relief period for recovery. Experiment dents and expatriates to Egyp-
face-of-coronavirus/ tian tourists with a plot twist to
As travel restrictions ease, Egypt - Zeina Shalaby their trips, we can’t generalize to
has begun to take affirmative ac- reboot-despite-rising-covid-19-infection-rates say it was a negative experience,
tion towards reviving the influx A phenomenon took us by sur- but we can definitely confirm it
of tourists. Starting June 27th, east-53402983 prise mid-February and managed wasn’t what was expected. What
the Prime Minister of Egypt an- to change our daily lives with un- was necessarily a precaution for
nounced the opening and easing navirus-tourism-blow-creates-domino-effect/ precedented pace and pattern. us, was possibly proximity from
restrictions of commercial areas Coronavirus swept us off our safety to others. Students kicked
and facilities such as restaurants, feet (definitely in the least possi- out from campuses, families
malls, hotels, and public trans- emergency-fund-egypt-and-its-expected-role-during-cov- ble romantic way). We’ve heard abroad running out of funds..
portation. Furthermore, interna- id-19-outbreak and multiple other concerns
tional flights have been allowed quite enough numbers- from case that surrounded those locked
into the country as of July 1st covid-19-response/covid-19-impact-on-egypt-banking- statistics to the unemployment out. Rufus Miles was pointing
with the necessary health pre- rate and all that lies in between. to different perspectives when
cautions set in place. Whilst the Truth be told, this pandemic was he said “Where you stand de-
economy is on the path of re- an experience of its own to each pends on where you sit,” but
generation, the pandemic has tor-in-paying person. And although you may maybe it applies physically here
exposed the fragility and insti- not see it, those numbers are as much as it applies metaphor-
tutional weakness of Egypt’s more than what they look like. It ically: which side you face your
tourism sector. The Egyptian seems like the definition of safe- country’s border defines your
Center for Economic Studies ty might have taken a wild turn standing in safety.
has published suggestions for a from its usual route, but are we
more sustainable approach such even close to figuring out where It is no doubt that COVID is
as establishing one entity for the orchestrator of those prob-
it’s going?
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