Page 25 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 25

Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Head of Students

 THE NATURE OF GOOD  LEADER                               delegate and empower other people,

                                                          because they know they’re stronger with a
                                                          team on their side.

                                                          ACTIVE LISTENING SKILLS
               The nature of a leader is to be flexible and
               res-ponsive with people, processes, and    While on the topic of empowerment, a
               changing situations.                       good leader also knows how to actively
               By being more agile, they are able to adapt   listen.  This  includes  being  present  with
               as  needed  and  have  a  better  chance  of   colleagues, listening to hear rather than to
               success. They also need to be able to build   respond and paying attention to nonverbal
               morale and empower those around them,      communication and body language. Good
               maintain their values, be diligent and     leaders know when to stay quiet versus
               consistently  hard-working.  Importantly,   when to speak up and stand their ground,
               they should be open-minded and inclusive   which is a fine line.
               of all those around them.
                                                          A HEALTHY DOSE OF HUMILITY
               While every leader is unique, a good leader
               needs a vision, the ability to empower and   No leader is without faults, and the
               actively listen to their team and a healthy   best leaders  are acutely aware  of their
               dose of humility. They must also know how   weaknesses.  While  some  leaders  try  to
               and  when  to  flex  their  various  strengths   turn their weaknesses into strengths, I’ve
               and possess the self-awareness needed to   found the most successful ones instead
               acknowledge their weaknesses.              focus on owning and honing their natural
                                                          talents. Rather than trying to be an expert
               There are four important qualities of a good   in everything, they become a specialist in a
               leader which can help everyone to  improve   select few areas and then empower others
               his/her own management skills.             to own their own fabulousness. Moreover,
                                                          successful executives build a network
               A CLEAR VISION                             of peers and mentors who have been in
                                                          their shoes and  can provide them with

               For starters, good leaders are clear on    shortcuts, recognition and commiseration
               their vision and maintain a strategy and   as they strive to become the best leaders
               accompanying goals to turn that vision into   possible.
               reality.  Moreover,  they  can  concisely  and
               confidently  communicate  their  plan.  At   As every good leader possesses a unique
               the same time, the most effective leaders   set of strengths  that make  them who
               remain flexible along the journey, because   they  are.  If  you  want  to  become  a  good
               they know the road to success is bumpy,    manager, which is a lifelong journey, start
               and trust their vision.                    small and focus on one or two tips from
                                                          all we explained above, then see how you
                                                          increase your impact as a leader.

               Speaking of which, good leaders also know
               how to rally a team behind their vision
               and  goals.  Rather  than  micromanage
 NISHIMWE ALICE, S6MCB  or withdraw, they inspire and motivate
 - Head Girls-  a  trusted  team  toward  a  shared  vision.
               Moreover, good leaders are not afraid to

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