Page 31 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 31
Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
there for a whole week. This made take care of the child. When
Camilla worried. While she was he turned six months old, she
at home, she heard his neighbor decided to throw him away. She
Calvin knocking and saying that took the child and placed him
Joseph had an accident and he in a white blanket on which she
was at the hospital. Camilla wrote his name. She took him
rushed to the hospital and found lying down on the path near the
that her husband was in a terrible forest. When a mother called
condition, he had broken his leg, Elizabeth passed near the
arm and also had a bandage on forest heard the child crying,
his forehead. She sat next to him, she looked around and saw
when Joseph woke up and found the child lying there. Elizabeth
Camilla next to him, he is very lived in the forest, but in a
ashamed and begins to apologize unknown place, we could
for all he had wronged against consider it a secret because
her. Camilla sympathized him and getting where she lived, she
told him to calm down first and went through a tunnel and that
be fine, that there was nothing was the only way she could get
wrong with her. After the blood where she lived. She took care
tests they had taken, the doctor of him and decided to raise
came to them and told that it was him as her own. In the forest,
not good because they found that Elizabeth made jewelries like
Joseph was infected with HIV/ necklace, bracelets, rings.
AIDS. She had a pet snake, every
time it ate something it vomit
As soon as Camilla heard that diamonds, and Elizabeth used
bad news, she was saddened those diamonds to made the
and angry with her husband. jewelries.
But Joseph kept asking for
forgiveness, even explaining to As Christopher grew up, her
her that all his income was spent mother (Elizabeth) taught him
LOVE AND KINDNESS on alcohol and on a rich woman how to make jewelries but she
they knew who might have
couldn’t let him go out because
infected him with HIV/AIDS. But,
day Elizabeth went to town to
because Camilla loved him and there were wild animals. One
knew how to be patient, she gave sell jewelry, Christopher went
changed his behaviors, he him forgiveness but told him that out of the forest because of
came home late and drunk. he must repent. curiosity to see how it looked
After a while he started like. When he came out of
to beat his wife Camilla After he was relieved, they went the forest, he found a lot of
everyday saying that she home and lived happily ever after. light that prevented him from
didn’t cook delicious food. Later Joseph died leaving Camilla seeing and he was afraid, he
Camilla had no job instead pregnant. Life was not easy for decided to run, he looked on
Joseph had but all money her because Joseph was the the other side and saw many
he earned was wasted on breadwinner. people, he became more afraid
alcohol. Joseph continued and started calling: “Maman!
to develop bad habits, so he The time came Camilla gave Maman!” But he has no one to
went to work and did not birth to a son whom she named answer him.
come back instead he went Christopher. Life continued to be
to a rich woman who had difficult for her and she realized He started crying, and there
been scammed. He stayed that she would not be able to was a girl named Cassandra