Page 35 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 35

Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students

    distant places in the body      happen because they were       to grow and survive when
    to form new tumors (a           inherited from our parents     they should not.
    process called metastasis).     also.                          Tumor suppressor genes are
    Cancerous tumors may also       The body normally              also involved in controlling
    be called malignant tumors.     eliminates cells with          cell growth and division.
    Many cancers form solid         damaged DNA before they        Cells with certain alterations
    tumors, but cancers of the      turn cancerous. But the        in tumor suppressor
    blood, such as leukemias,       body’s ability to do so goes   genes may divide in an
    generally do not.               down as we age. This is part   uncontrolled manner.
                                    of the reason why there is
    Benign tumors do not            a higher risk of cancer later   DNA repair genes are
    spread into, or invade,         in life. Each person’s cancer   involved in fixing damaged
    nearby tissues. When            has a unique combination of    DNA. Cells with mutations
    removed, benign tumors          genetic changes.               in these genes tend to
    usually don’t grow back,                                       develop additional mutations
    whereas cancerous tumors        As the cancer continues to     in other genes and changes in
    sometimes do. Benign            grow, additional changes       their chromosomes, such as
    tumors can sometimes be         will occur. Even within the    duplications and deletions of
    quite large, however. Some      same tumor, different cells    chromosome parts. Together,
    can cause serious symptoms      may have different genetic     these mutations may
    or be life threatening, such    changes.                       cause the cells to become
    as benign tumors in the                                        cancerous.
    brain.                          TYPES OF GENES THAT
                                    CAUSE CANCER                   SAME CANCER RISK
    Cancer is a genetic disease                                    FACTORS
    that is, it is caused by chan-  The genetic changes that
    ges to genes that control       contribute to cancer tend      As mentioned, some cancers,
    the way our cells function,     to affect three main types     particularly in adults,
    especially how they grow        of genes-proto-oncogenes,      have been associated with
    and divide.                     tumor suppressor genes,        repetitive exposures or
                                    and DNA repair genes.          risk factors. A risk factor is
    Genetic changes that            These changes are              anything that may increase
    cause cancer can happen         sometimes called “drivers”     a person’s chance of
    because of errors that          of cancer.                     developing a disease. A risk
    occur as cells divide. Also                                    factor does not necessarily
    can happen because of           Proto-oncogenes are            cause the disease, but it may
    damage to DNA caused by         involved in normal cell        make the body less resistant
    harmful substances in the       growth and division.           to it.
    environment, such as the        However, when these genes
    chemicals in tobacco smoke      are altered in certain ways    Lifestyle factors. Smoking,
    and ultraviolet rays from the   or are more active than        a high-fat diet, and working
    sun. (Our Cancer Causes         normal, they may become        with toxic chemicals are
    and Prevention section has      cancer-causing genes (or       examples of lifestyle choices
    more information.) It can       oncogenes), allowing cells     that may be risk factors for    35

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