Page 38 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
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Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
online. Any type of text message Learn
can easily be misinterpreted.
Therefore, it’s vital for us to
make sure we are expressing
respect in our words. from your
When communicating online,
all you need to focus on is mistakes
writing kind, respectful things. ISHIMWE Claudine, S3E
Writing a joke can be fun
but it’s hard to communicate
sarcasm through text. aking mistakes who need to know, apologize,
can be a valuable and tell them that you’re
Don’t say anything online you learning oppor- working on a solution.
would not say in real life. Use Mtunity. You can get
kind speech when talking to lessons from your mistakes Saying “sorry” takes courage,
others online. If you need to that can help you improve but it’s far better to come clean
have a serious conversation your skills and expand your than to hide your error or, worse,
meet in person. Only use online knowledge. to blame others for it. In the long
communication for light, fun run, people will remember your
conversations. When we don’t learn from courage and integrity long after
our mistakes, we inflict they’ve forgotten the original
Anything we write online unnecessary stress on mistake. If, however, they hear
has the potential to be read ourselves and on others, of it from another source, your
by anyone. Giving respect and we risk losing people’s reputation will suffer and you
is a powerful tool. Use it to confidence and trust in us. may not get another opportunity
improve relationships around Making a mistake” is not to learn.
you on and offline today. the same thing as “failing.”
A failure is the result of a 2. REFRAME THE ERROR
Respect yourself, respect others wrong action, whereas a
and they will respect you! mistake usually is the wrong How you view your mistakes
Incorporating respect into our action. So, when you make a determines the way that you
daily lives not only benefits us mistake, you can learn from react to them, and what you do
personally but also contributes it and fix it, whereas you can next. When you’ve acknowledged
to a more harmonious and only learn from a failure. your mistake, think about what
compassionate society. Respect you could do to prevent it from
units us in our shared humanity. There are five steps to happening again.
________________________ help you to learn from your mistakes, and to put what Your mindset plays a signifi-
you discover into practice. cant role in how you view your
mistakes and, importantly, in
“Discipline 1. OWN YOUR how you react to them.
is the bridge MISTAKES If you have a “growth” mindset,
between goals and you likely see mistakes as an
accomplishment.” You can’t learn anything opportunity to improve, and
from a mistake until you
admit that you’ve made it. not as something that you are
_Jim Rohn So, take a deep breath and doomed to repeat because your
admit to yours, and then take mindset is “fixed” on the belief
ownership of it. Inform those that you can’t improve.