Page 41 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 41
Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
Life Crown they haven’t practiced their self-
discipline, to suffer a little now to
riding you will not move. So if succeed later. Discipline is a muscle.
You need to train it. Start by making
you want to go far; you have to small changes in your life and habits.
fight for what you want to have As you progress, you will notice
better and bright future. Discipline these changes can give you a sense of
and hardworking are the keys to achievement and motivation.
success, to building your kingdom!
NDAYISHIMIYE UWITONZE HERVE S3B, In order for life to crown you,
NIYOMUREZI EGIDE S3B, HIRWA MASHEJA HOPE S3B With hardwork and discipline to
you must have done it in every achieve your life goals, must decide
possible way, but also in the right
reat men are born great, way. If you fight for that crown and on what you want to do in the long
they grow great. You achieve it, then you will be able to term. If possible, visualize, quantify,
were born with potential, or detail out this end goal. For
Gwith goodness and trust be one of the joys we mentioned, instance, if your goal is to become a
with idea and dreams and you were and you will become the king of professional songwriter, what point
your life because you achieve of
born with greatness and wings. You what you fought for. do you consider professional? What
are not meant for clawing. You have Everyone wondered what makes level of performance, audience,
wings, learn how to use them and fly. music volume and genre are you
one person successful when most looking for? Secondly, work out a
others struggle with just getting
You can neither grow without pain through the day. There are many plan to get there, then immediately do
nor improve without it. Suffering factors involved in making a the first thing you need to start your
drives us to achieve great things person’s success: journey. See each completed task
but this suffering may not be our as an achievement to spur you on.
permanent life being. We have to They’re usually talented, intel- Do not give in to your weaknesses.
get happiness. This happiness comes ligent and sometimes a little lucky, Good discipline is overcoming
from learning to let that suffering however, almost all successful procrastination, and not getting side-
go. Happiness also again is not people have one thing in common tracked or always taking the easy
absence of problems; it is the ability which is hardwork and discipline. route.
to deal with them. Happiness is You may be lucky enough to have
not something we postpone for the been gifted with a specific talent, If you stumble along the way or fail
future; it’s something you design in been born into an affluent family, at something, don’t give up. Forming
the present. Happiness is when; what or met a benefactor or mentor discipline, work ethic, and productive
you do, what you say, what you think along the way who gave you ‘the habits is a marathon, not a sprint. Take
and how you feel are in harmony. break.’ But none of that matters some time to refocus and try again.
Great works are performed not only if you don’t have a high level of Don’t see failure as a failure. Learn
by strength but also perseverance. hardwork, productivity and self- from it and adjust your plan using
Discipline is one part of perseverance. discipline. that knowledge. The most successful
The discipline is from remembering people in the world are where they are
what you want especially for learners The problem with discipline is because they failed more than anyone
who must remember what they want, most people don’t develop it else. Michael Jordan got rejected
and it is the bridge between goals and past childhood. Sadly, once a from his high school basketball team,
accomplishments. True discipline is person leave the regulated world then came back, played in college,
just self-remembering; no forcing of education, it’s easy to regress and became the greatest player ever.
or fighting is necessary. The and have an “I’ll do what I want Be like Jordan and others; have
discipline trains you to put up with when I want” attitude. You can run the discipline to get back up, dust
disappointments. Always remember the risk of developing a ‘victim’ yourself off, and live your life to your
to take your vitamins A for Actions, mindset. They say, “Why don’t I fullest potential.
B for Believe, C for Courage, D for ever get a break?” or, “I just don’t ____________________________
Discipline and E for Enthusiasm. have the time”, when the truth is
Life is like a bicycle; when you stop 41