Page 46 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 46
Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
all talked about how lovely the cock refused because the For the third round, the cock
it looked. Next morning the place where the sun lived was crowed loudly and the sun
Sun did not rise and refused to very far away. though the cock had serious
come out. The earth was dark problem, and he set. When the
and people couldn’t work, But they all needed the sun to people woke up they found
animals couldn’t find food, rise again, and everyone begged that the sun was shining! They
plants began to droop. the cock to go to negotiate with thanked Mr Cock very much
the sun and to apologize on their and immediately continued
behalf. The cock agreed and their work.
said good bye to them and to his
family. And all the days that followed
up today, when the cock
The next morning, the cock got crowed three times the sun
up and went to meet the sun. shined!
The sun didn’t rise again, the
earth was very cold and dark.
One day, the people and the
animals agreed to go find the
sun to ask him to rise again.
But the sun refused because he
was angry. After, they returned HIRWA SHEMA AMBASSADEUR, S3F;
home. People and animals RUGWIRO CHRISPIN, S3F
gathered for a meeting to When he reached at sun’s home,
choose one of them who would he greeted the sun with a lot of hild abuse involves
go back to sun’s home to beg anger where the sun asked the doing something
him to rise again in order to get cock what he wanted! The sun Cor failing to do
life on earth. said: “Why are you coming back something that result in
here?” “I come to apologize to harm to a child or puts a
you personally,” said the cock. child at risk of harm. Child
“Go away, I’ll think about it!” abuse includes physical,
Said the sun. The cock said: emotional, or psychological
“Yes, I’m leaving, but it’s really and sexual abuse as well as
late, and may be I could have a neglect.
problem on my way, when you
hear me crowing, please shine Child Neglect is the failure to
for me in order to find my way”. meet a child’s basic physical
The sun agreed, and the cock and emotional needs. These
left. When he almost reached needs include housing, food,
Those who attended the home, he crowed, but the sun did clothing, education, access
meeting asked the cock to be not shine! The cock crowed for to medical care, and having
the one to talk to the sun, but the second time, no sunshine!