Page 45 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 45
Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
Trustworthy individuals are willing to COOLER GOSSIP
admit they can’t do it all alone and Trustworthy individuals don’t like to “Live life to the
value teamwork. They give credit make assumptions about anything
where it’s due, even if it means they or anybody. They prefer to get fullest, and focus
don’t advance as quickly or shine as information from the source and to
much themselves. let the source speak for themselves. on the positive”
They avoid rumors because they _Matt Cameron
GIVE UP ALL THE FACTS, know that rumors usually include
EVEN IF IT HURTS negativity that tears people down
instead of building them up. When
Truth and transparency matters to they do talk, their language is “Never be
trustworthy people. They won’t lie by empowering and respectful. limited by other
omission or fudge data. They will give
up even the information that could BEING LEARNERS people’s limited
put their reputation at risk or create imaginations”
conflict, believing that those conflicts Individuals who are worth your
can be solved with good empathy and trust know they don’t have all the _Dr. Mae Jemison
communication. answers. They look for ways to learn
and improve themselves constantly,
CONFIDE IN YOU and through that process, they’re
willing to share the resources and
Confiding in someone, exposing faults facts they find.
and all, involves a certain amount of The sun and
vulnerability. So when someone con- KNOW WHO THEY’RE
fides in you, it demonstrates that the the cock
individual already trusts you and that CONNECTED TO, AND
they want you to be open with them, THEY TRY TO CONNECT
THEY AREN’T Both these elements show that the
MATERIALISTIC OR other person sees you as important.
They want you to be part of their
DESPERATE FOR MONEY regular social group and meet the UMUKUNDWA Willy Prince Didier S5MCB
people you need to succeed. Others
While there’s zero wrong with having can affirm or contradict what you
nice things, trustworthy people don’t know about the individual, too. ong ago, the
put stuff ahead of people. They’re Subsequently, the more people sun was even
willing to give up what they have (or the individual introduces you to, hotter than it is
could have) to help. Financial stability the more likely it is that they’re not Ltoday. People
facilitates trust because it reduces the hiding who they are. and animals were always
temptation to treat others poorly out of complaining about the
the need for self-preservation. BEING THERE FOR YOU heat of the sun.
BEING RIGHT A LOT AND OTHERS This made the sun angry.
One day, the sun set as it
Because trustworthy people value truth, Trustworthy people will listen to always did. In fact, the
they are willing to do their homework. and support you even when they sunset was more beautiful
They do the research that leads to don’t need something from you. than ever before. All
verifiable conclusions, so they have a They do their best to be available the people and animals
track record of having the right answer. to help, whatever you might be watched the sky turn pink,
going through. orange and purple. They 45