Page 37 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 37
Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students
The Po wer of Respect lack of real-life interactions
of social media, it’s easy to
feel disconnected. Disrespect
can easily happen with online
others. Either during a small is vital in maintaining a healthy communication. That’s why there
argument or big blow-up, relationship. Showing respect is in-person respect and online
showing respect can change to someone you disagree with respect.
the course of a conflict. is hard. But doing so can help
Let’s say you don’t agree facilitate a positive conversation In-person respect
with your brother’s football that does not end with one or When talking with some people
views. They said something both parties being hurt. in person, look at him. This tells
that was offensive and him you are paying attention.
frankly, ignorant. You say 2. Better Listeners You’re communicating what they
your opinion and express Others are more inclined to listen have to say is important. Looking
why they are wrong. Then when we show respect. Your at them when they are talking
your brother ramps it up and point will be better received also helps you listen better. We
starts yelling to make their when we show respect to those can read their facial features and
point. This cycle usually around us. focus more on them rather than
continues and both are left distractions.
feeling hurt, angry, and Say you’re in a family meeting.
disconnected. There are a lot of opinions Giving them our ears means
flying around the room and listening. Listen to what they
Interjecting a little respect you feel the tension rising. have to say and hear what they
can help change that Using a kind tone of voice, are trying to communicate. What
scenario. You still don’t reflecting other’s concerns, and emotion are they expressing? If
have to agree with your objectively (without attacking you’re talking with someone who
brother’s football views and anyone) expressing your opinion is speaking fast and gradually
you don’t have to. Their can help facilitate healthy raising their voice, maybe they
personal beliefs are not a discussions. While cutting others are really excited. Share what you
personal attack on you. But off mid-sentence and raising our are hearing them say and express.
you both can show respect voice is tempting when we feel It’s not enough for us to just look
during that conversation. others are not listening, it will at someone without really hearing
Before you express your do you no favors when trying what they are telling us.
opinion on the matter, to communicate your thoughts.
express where you think Communication is s two-way Be open when talking to someone.
your brother is coming from. street. If you want others to Think about what the other
Tell them what you hear listen to you, give respect. person is saying. Be engaged and
them saying. Then express invested in the conversation on an
your perspective. Don’t go 3. Build Relationships intellectual level.
after why their perspective One of the main points of
is dumb. Just express your showing respect to any one is Visualize what they are talking
perspective objectively. to build relationships. Showing about and express yourself in
respect looks like many different a thoughtful way. Giving your
This process helps your things but it all comes back to eyes, ears, and mind to others in
brother feel heard and strengthening your relationship conversations shows respect.
understood. You both may with others. Online Respect
never agree on some topics
and that’s okay. Showing Respect is something we all want We miss out on body language,
respect for each other but struggle to give especially tone of voice, voice inflection,
during these conversations in the online world. With the and voice volume when we
communicate only through text