Page 34 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 34

Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Different Students

          take the broad path is because   courage and inner strength. No matter
          it’s easy. It’s easy to just follow   what  comes  your way, you’ll  know
          the crowd. I’m not saying you   how to handle it.
          should be afraid to take in ideas
          or opinions from your friends,   When you are always yourself, you are
          family  or  the  media  but  just   more likely to have focus and direction
          that  it’s  important  to  take  time   in your life.  Imagine  someone who
          and  reflect.    See  if  something   is constantly  conforming  to  other
          you’re being encouraged  to do   people’s expectations;  do you think
          is really being you. It’s more of   this person has focus and direction?
          challenges when you stay true   Think about it.
          to  yourself  and  establish  your
          own identity.  This challenge   When you stay true to who you are,
          of always  being  yourself  takes   you are more likely to know the goals
                                             you want to accomplish and how
                                             to  go about  accomplishing  them.
                                             You are able to stay focused and
               “Be yourself;                 know which direction  to take  in
                                             order for you to accomplish your
              everyone else is               goals.

              already taken.”                No matter what you experience
                                             in life,  the  only person that  will
                                             always remain constant is you.
                    ― Oscar Wilde

          CANCER                         organ or tissue of the body    them. When cells grow old

                                         when abnormal cells grow
                                                                        or become damaged, they
                                         uncontrollably, go beyond      die, and new cells take their
                                         their usual boundaries to      place. Sometimes this orderly
                                         invade adjoining parts of      process breaks down, and
                                         the body and/or spread to      abnormal or damaged cells
                                         other organs.                  grow and multiply when
                                                                        they shouldn’t. These cells
                                         Cancer can start almost        may form tumors, which
                                         anywhere in the human          are lumps of tissue. Tumors
           ISABWE Sandra, S4PCB          body, which is made up of      can be cancerous or not
                                         trillions of cells. Normally,   cancerous (benign).
                    ancer is a large     human cells grow and
                    group of diseases    multiply (through a process    Cancerous tumors spread
                    that can start       called cell division) to form   into, or invade, nearby
          Cin almost any                 new cells as the body needs    tissues and can travel to

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