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Cases of non-standard
application for the logo
2. Partnerships with other organisations
The Commission often engages in joint activities with Saturday
other organisations. These activities might result in joint
publications, events, joint initiatives, etc. In these cases, Festival of Europe
the standard visual identity might not be applicable. European Institutions
In case of equal partnerships, the communication product Open Day
should be co-branded. It means that the logos of the
organisations involved in the equal partnership (including
the standard logo of the European Commission) should
be placed next to each other in proportionately equal
sizes on the communication product. See pages 194 - 196
for specific examples of co-branding. In the cases of
co-branding, the standard visual elements of the visual
identity (i.e. typography, layout, footer box, etc.) do not
When the Commission contributes to a project that is
carried out by a third party organisation, the “sign-off”
option must be used. In this case, the standard logo is May2011
European Institutions
placed on the communication product with a line that Festival of Europe
Open Day
describes the nature of the Commission’s contribution.
This line can refer to support, funding given or initiative Debates – Information BRUSSELS
taken by the European Commission. (See page 196) Activities EUROPEAN DISTRICT
The sign-off option demonstrates the Commission’s Children’s workshops 7 MAY – 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M.
Music and dance
involvement but shows that the Commission is not
responsible for the execution or content of the project.
The sign-off option is usually applied by third party Committee of the Regions
organisations, therefore the standard visual elements
of the visual identity (i.e. typography, layout, footer box,
etc.) do not apply.