Page 136 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 136
Street Neighborhood to 19th Street and 6th Avenue. Street segment vacation
One can access the campus from a number of neighborhood streets.
should be balanced with adjacent neighborhood circulation.
Because of this, and a variety of other reasons, it is difficult to tell where the Although there are numerous access points, main vehicular entrances exist along Illinois Street from the north and south, and 13th Street and 16th Street from the east. One cannot access the campus from the west other than 19th The recently acquired Ford Property south of 19th Street has vehicular access along its entire north side making it
campus starts and stops. Street. roundabout likely will dictate future access points.
internal to campus to create a vehicle-free campus will improve safety. Illinois
continually working with the City of Golden to coordinate vehicular circulation
Street and Maple Street/Elm Street provide convenient access from the 12th
Street (arterial), and Washington Street (arterial). Although these allow good
VEHICULAR CIRCULATION The campus is easily accessible via Highway 6 (regional highway), 19th access to the campus, Highway 6 and 19th Street also isolate Mines Park from the Main Campus. Most other circulation issues that face the campus are interior to the campus. Over the past century, the Main Campus grew within the urban grid of a residential neighborhood. Because of this, the campus is more oriented to vehicles than to pedestrians.