Page 140 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 140

As the campus continues to expand, existing mains may need to be evaluated
                                                        which is served by private mains that are maintained by Mines. In discussions
                                                                           Mines should install a new water main in Kafadar Commons west of 15th and
                                                     domestic and fire services to the buildings. The exception being Mines Park,
                                                                                 The line is recommended to be upsized to an 8” PVC water main to improve
                                                  Water mains are located throughout the campus in public streets to provide
                                                                throughout campus and provide support to the Golden Fire Department as
                                                                              Arapaho Street. The existing line is currently 4” and was installed in 1936.
                                                                                                basis as project scopes are finalized. Future site development should be
                                                              in good condition and are functioning properly. Fire hydrants are located
                                                                                           to insure adequate capacity and pressure is available for domestic and fi
                                                                                             services. This assessment should be conducted on a project-by-project
                                                           with Mines staff, the majority of the existing mains and service lines are
                                                                                                     coordinated with the Golden Fire Department to provide fire lane access and  Mines should dedicate easements for the water mains in Mines Park to the  City of Golden. The easements would transfer the responsibility to maintain

                                           POTABLE WATER  EXISTING WATER CONDITIONS        needed.  WATER RECOMMENDATIONS  capacity and reduce the risk of potential failure.     optimal fire hydrant locations.     and repair water mains from Mines to the City of Golden.

                                          The Mines campus depends on the Golden area utility grid for the provision of
                                                     Sanitary Sewer – Wastewater generated by the campus is discharged into
                                                             ciency natural gas                                       
                                                 Potable Water – The City of Golden provides the campus potable water.

                                 UTILITY SYSTEMS

                                                       the City of Golden sewer system. Heating Plant – The heating plant boilers are high effi fired boilers. Natural gas is provided by the local utility. Electrical Power – Mines purchases electrical power from Xcel Energy.   Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan

                          3.9                its utilities.                                                       134
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