Page 170 - Mines Facilities Plan
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Surface Parking: Vehicle parking is distributed around campus, largely on
the edges. The master plan recommends surface parking be consolidated
and recreational buildings are all within an easy walking distance, promoting
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function well – academic, administrative, research, residential, student life,
The relationships between land use zones on the Main Campus largely
into structured parking at Lots R, J, O/N, and A.
interdisciplinary interaction. Existing disconnections between land use zones will continue to persist. Residential in Mines Park: Residents of Mines Park are disconnected from Main Campus by 6th Avenue. While this creates a quiet residential area, it means this housing is appropriate only for juniors, seniors, and graduate students. The master plan adds gathering and recreational space to Mines Park so that it bette
pattern and relationships between land uses. The Facilities Master Plan seeks
Technology and Learning Media and the U.S. Geological Survey intends to
Maple Street pedestrian mall, Greek housing on West Campus Drive, and
three locations: lower level underclassmen in the Main Campus along the
expand significantly along the 18th Street corridor between Illinois Street
Campus and relocate to Mines Park to make way for innovation-focused
Master Plan seeks to largely maintain and strengthen the existing land use
Research: The research neighborhood now anchored by the Center for
Facilities Management: The Facilities Management area north of West
Residential: Currently, on-campus residential uses are concentrated in
master plan expands sophomore housing on Main Campus along Elm
upper level underclassmen and graduate students in Mines Park. The
The existing campus has a clear delineation of land uses. The Facilities
Campus Drive and west of Maple Street will largely leave the Main
Street and expands graduate student housing to Jackson Street.
Outdoor Recreation: One intramural fields along Elm Street is relocated to a portion of Lot Q and an additional intramural field is recommended proximate to existing and recommended residence halls in Mines Park. Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan
LAND USE ZONES the following improvements: and Washington Avenue. academic and research uses.
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