Page 175 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 175

                                                                         in this lot should be replaced prior to construction, possibly in the Washington
                                                                      surface parking lots, specifically the CTLM Lot, Lot I, and Lot J. The spaces
                                                                               Enabled projects: After researchers and faculty are relocated out of Chauvenet
                                                                   Necessary precedent projects: All three buildings will be constructed on existing
                                                                                  Hall, that building may be renovated for student success programming.

                                                                                           The three new research buildings will significantly change the character of  the 18th Street campus edge, now comprised of only surface parking lots.  The site and building design for each building should follow the master  plan’s massing recommendations, in particular building height and stepback  guidelines along the 18th Street edge. The building siting should re-establish  the Arapahoe Stree

                                                                           Street/18th Street Parking Structure.

                                                                                                                      The Plan

                                                           Washington Avenue           THE SITE           local street.


                                        18th Street                                                   oor program.

                                                                                                      rst fl

                                     19th Street                          To meet the research goal to achieve $85 million of research expenditures by  FY 2024 and $100 million by FY 2032, Mines must construct new research  space to attract and house additional principal investigators. The campus also  needs additional and better classroom space and collaboration space. As research awards and the demand for research space increase, 300,000  GSF of new research laboratories and suppor

                                                           Research Buildings 1, 2, and 3  THE NEED  THE PROJECT

                   6th Avenue                                      RESEARCH BUILDINGS 1, 2, AND 3             research facilities now in Chauvenet Hall.
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