Page 178 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 178

                                             of entrepreneurial space. The Earth Innovation Hub (up to 20,000 GSF) is a
                                                               more active use is appropriate. The Innovation Hub and the Maple Parking
                                                       The existing site is a forgotten area of Main Campus, dedicated now to the
                                          Enabled projects: The Innovation Hub is considered a first phase in a network
                                                                            site, Mines should reserve space for the creation of a central open space
                                                            to freshmen residence halls and the Arthur Lakes Library suggests that a
                                                                         Although significant program for maker spaces is planned for the limited
                                                          shops and yards of Facilities Management. However, its close proximity
                                                                  Structure (now under construction) will transform this area of campus,

                                                                                (lawn, plaza, etc.). The Main Campus has a deficit of open space, and as  this utilitarian space is converted to an academic/research/innovation space,  This project may be located over a former coal or clay mine. Mines should  explore subsurface geological conditions and the buildings may need diff

                                               possible second phase.  THE SITE  bringing vehicles and pedestrians throughout the day.     additional open space is needed.  and more substantial foundation systems than is typical.

                                                        curriculum are centered around the student’s need to analyze, problem solve,
                                                     Innovation is a hallmark of teaching and research at Mines. Its pedagogy and
                                                          and implement ideas. Increasingly higher education has embraced the maker
                                                             culture and is providing students with “makerspaces” that deliver a platform
                                                                for making things and learning through hands-on design. The space needs

                                          INNOVATION HUB BUILDING AND RENOVATION

                                                                     analysis indicated a future need for flexible shop space where groups of  students of many disciplines can work on their capstone projects, anticipated  A new building near the General Research Lab Annex should provide  space for innovation and entrepreneurial efforts on campus. It serves both  independent efforts and academic work such as EPICS and Senior Design.  An approximately 15,000 GSF building consisting of pri

                                              EARTH INNOVATION HUB  THE NEED  to be 75 projects/semester.  THE PROJECT     GSF Grounds/Truck Shop into maker club space.     Management buildings in Mines Park.  172
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