Page 198 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 198
19th Street Illinois Street
1 along 19th Street. The development scale should transition from the parking structure to the existing residential homes. The new internal courtyard and preserved creekside open spaces should support the residential uses. South of the site is the 13th hole of the Fossil Trace Golf Club. Views of the golf course should be highlighted within the residential development, and views of the resid
Fossil Trace Golf Club Faculty and Staff considered.
Between 2010 and 2018, Golden rents rose 64%. Over that same time period,
the Rockies, as well as the supply constraints on housing within Golden. Lack
Golden multifamily rents have seen strong growth since the Great Recession.
be on par with Metro Denver rents. Strong rent growths are due in part to the
Rents in Golden now approach the market in Boulder, whereas they used to
of affordable housing may be a barrier to recruiting the best faculty and staff
increased desirability of the Denver area, desire by residents to locate near
Necessary precedent projects: The South Campus parking structure will replace
as the City of Golden. The site also transitions to single family homes east
faculty, staff, and students with families. The format could be a multi-story
Mines should construct on South Campus attached housing for university
rents in Jefferson County rose 52% and rents in Metro Denver rose 39%.
SOUTH CAMPUS RESIDENTIAL THE NEED to Mines. THE PROJECT townhome style with a central courtyard. The university could fund and construct the housing in some form of partnership with a private sector housing developer. the surface parking spaces. Enabled projects: None. THE SITE The northern edge of the site is a very visible gateway for Mines as well Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan 192