Page 201 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 201


                                                                               Mines Parking Structure 1 Illustration (Mines)

                                                                                                                      The Plan

                                                 Space is at a premium on the compact Mines campus, so surface parking lots

                                          MINES PARKING STRUCTURE 1 (MAPLE STREET/14TH STREET)
                                                           Mines should convert much of its surface parking into structured parking.

                                                    within the campus boundary are prime development opportunities.

                                  PARKING, MULTI-MODAL CIRCULATION

                                                                Mines is constructing the university’s first parking structure at the northwest  corner of Maple Street and West Campus Drive. It is a mixed use building.  The parking structure with 650 parking spaces will have a liner building that  will provide 20,000 GSF of modern classroom space fronting Maple Street. Enabled projects: Surface lots in the northwest areas of campus are available for

                                                                          Necessary precedent projects: None  redevelopment or as construction staging.

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