Page 206 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 206
19th Street
1 The parking structure and Shipping and Receiving offices will be destination for many vehicles and trucks. Access from 19th Street will be from the existing roundabout. The circulation pattern for personal vehicles and delivery
vehicles should be clear and distinct.
6th Avenue Fossil Trace Golf Club ce Building
Central storage and central service uses now occupy approximately 33,000
redevelopment and a new location is necessary. Space planning guidelines
25,000 ASF to meet current deficits and anticipated campus facility growth.
Approximately 83,000 GSF space for warehousing, material handling, and
ASF now, and the guidelines suggest they should expand by an additional
Shipping and receiving is currently located in a portion of a repurposed
and service into the South Campus Parking Structure. Some of the offi
building on South Campus. The building and site are targeted for
suggest that the campus currently lacks sufficient support and service space. offices is needed. Central storage is typically single floor high-bay space with Mines should integrate approximately 83,000 GSF space for central storage space could be in a two-story office building adjacent to 19th Street. Most of
the should be located in the underground parking structure. Enabled projects: Redevelopment of South Campus. Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan
FACILITIES THE NEED a large footprint. THE PROJECT Necessary precedent projects: None 200